Infinite Scrolling Vs. Pagination

Dalpat Prajapati
3 min readJan 2, 2017

You need to select any one UX pattern from infinite scrolling (‘load more’) and pagination when you develop any website with chunk of data. Now the question is how to select best UX pattern for your website.

Infinite scrolling is a web-design pattern that loads content continuously as the user scrolls down the page.

When to use Infinite Scrolling?
when you develop website with prime focus on exploring more content so that user can stay longer on your website. Like social media websites facebook, twitter, pinterest, Dribbble and many more.

Source : Ramotion

2. Infinite Scrolling give best user experience in mobile apps.

Source : Take Lijzenga

3. Search experience when user need to compare result with other content. like google image have infinite scrolling because user need to compare image with other images and then they reach to the goal.

Take care of following things when you using infinite scrolling
~ Use load more button after some set of result.
~ Use
location hash on your result — it will help user to share selected result.
~ Use loading animation to give better experience.

Pagination is a also web-design pattern that divides content into separate pages. It’s important to have on your site to prevent your pages from becoming too long and overwhelming.

Pagination will help user to jump on specific page of result or skip a number of result so they can easily reach to their goal.

When to use Pagination?
Pagination is most popular way to display resulting items on website. on of the most popular example is Pagination is good when the user is searching for something in particular within the list of content.

2. Displaying list of product with functionalities like sorting and ordering. Example: E-commerce Product listing.

Take care of following things when you using pagination
Offer result Filters to Users
~ Make Your Click Targets Bigger for pagination
~ Make button visually beautiful to recognise proper pagination.

Source : Dawson Whitfield

The End!



Dalpat Prajapati

I Design | Thinker & Learner | Founder @chamestudio | Product Designer @iconscout & @Exotel | Co-Organizer @