Manic Panic

Dalton C. Jones
2 min readJan 5, 2019


Panic is the result of stress, and as you grow you learn all about it. Life can get so hard, but you have to learn to cope with it. Remember to cope, because if you can’t this world will swallow you whole.

Usually the most stressful parts of our lives are our own doing. We constantly ask ourselves questions.

“What’s my purpose?”

Sound familiar? These questions don’t make us who we are. How we find our own answers makes us who we are. These answers lead us to who we want to be. Don’t lose sight of that on your way.

“What do I want out of life?”

A lover? A family? Adventures? Memories. I don’t want to grow up. I don’t want to grow up because mostly, well quite honestly, I don’t want to die. There’s another reason, though. That is that I feel like the older we get the more we forget to use our imagination. We lose our creativity. Our naivety & innocence help us come to our very own perceptions of the world around us.

Creativity seems to have an expiration date.

It doesn’t matter how old we are. Death waits for no one. Time never stands still. Make your memories today while you still have the chance. You’re nervous? Take the chance. Having doubts? Failure is an option. Scared of making mistakes? Don’t be. Make your move. Achieve your goals. Chase your dreams.

-Dalton C. Jones



Dalton C. Jones

Writing rapper, thoughtful thinker. Nice to meet you. 🦆 ALL social media: @DizzyEmcee