Dalveer singh
2 min readNov 10, 2015

Learn and Enhance Your Skills Using Raspberry Pi 2

Raspberry pi 2 came into existence in February 2015 and replaced raspberry pi 1. It’s similar to the previous one in terms of cost but has two additional features comprising of 900MHz quadcore ARM cortex A-7 CPU and 1GB RAM. It has 6 times the processing capacity as compared to the previous versions. It covers few additional accessories helping users in different applications which includes 4 USB ports, full HDMI port, 40 GPIO pins, Ethernet port, micro SD card slot, video core IV 3D graphics core, camera interface raspberry pi LED display board combined 3.5mm audio jack and composite video.

It’s best suited for embedded system projects for students moreover beneficial for low power projects. Raspberry pi invention was for school going children so that they develop interest in computers and different computer languages.languages. Rraspberry pi 2 is modified version for which learners do not require additional information. They are very easily worked out through basic interfacing with various additional accessories. It includes some technical specifications that can easily be captured through various catalogs or various websites during the time of preparing project. We’ll be providing its technical specifications that will clear out your requirement:

* Chip:Broadcom BCM2836 SoC
* Core architecture:Quad-core ARM Cortex-A7
* CPU:900 MHz
* GPU: Dual Core VideoCore IV Multimedia Co-Processor, Provides Open GL ES 2.0, hardware-accelerated OpenVG, and 1080p30 H.264 high-profile decode, Capable of 1Gpixel/s, 1.5Gtexel/s or 24GFLOPs with texture filtering and DMA infrastructure
* Memory:1GB LPDDR2
* Operating System:Boots from Micro SD card, running a version of the Linux operating system
* Dimensions:85 x 56 x 17mm
* Power: Micro USB socket 5V, 2A

Raspberry pi 2 india is in great demand in terms of learning IoT covering languages which is easily understood through this. Students are required complete knowledge through various websites or technical program covering every basic topic related to computers and programming language.What we are occupied with doing is utilizing the Raspberry Pi, and for that there is an amazing item called Rasberry pi. This article will acquaint you with a portion of the best assets, open source programming undertakings and different adornments or peripherals that you can use to begin with making your own brilliant home framework. I will likewise highlight some energizing activities which other individuals have made and shared online to give you a few motivations, and give a couple connections to extra assets you might need to investigate.

We deal with high quality Raspberry pi products offering reasonable charges. Its enhanced form has 4 USB ports, 40 GPIO pins, Ethernet port, micro SD card, full HDMI port, Video core IV 3D graphics core, LED display board, camera interface, audio jack and composite video. It’s the best and compatible to robotic applications, interfacing controllers and display. Purchase online and win exciting gifts or discounts at this festive season. Moreover, it’s the best source of entertainment and study particularly for school going children. Visit our offecial Website: https://www.robomart.com/led