Firebase Exploit bug bounty

5 min readNov 27, 2022

Recently I manage to exploit a read/write permission on firebase but unfortunately it was marked as not applicable honestly it was also kinda odd that it has the same name of the company but they do not own this.

First you will need some tools, git clone the following repos and

for this demo I created a same vulnerable scenario for the one I found. If you are interested you can create your own firebase and git clone this repo it has CRUD already

So how do we find some firebase configuration ?

well there are many tools you can use to find a firebase config file like burpbounty, nuclei, reconftw (an all in one recon and va tool), js link finder, js miner, bevigil, and etc … or you can do it manualy by checking view source you might be able to find something like this

now lets go to our created website you can add, delete ,update and read the data and lets check the source

for example we found the config file of the firebase so how do we check now for vulnerability ?

so far on what I read from bug bounty reports there are only 2 things mostly found on firebase misconfig either a read or write permission issues

first lets go with read permission there are 2 ways I know how to check for misconfig.

1st: you can navigate to https[:]// to check all of the existing data. As you can see it listed the 2 data we had from the web app.

2nd: lets use FirebaseScanner and put the firebase name mostly it was the (target)

as you can see it shows a Misconfigured Firebase

if we check the code it was also checking the .json

next is write permission for this exploit we will use Insecure-Firebase-Exploit to check for write permission there are 2 scenario here on write permission, 1 with read permission and write permission, the other 1 is without read permission but with write permission

Remember ! if you are going to exploit a write permission this can results to overwrite files so be careful ! also dont leave the filename blank on the script.

if you run the script and get this response this means that you have a write permission and you can read it also

to further validate your exploit you can navigate to the file by entering<filename>.json

for this scenario you need to change the .read to auth.uid !== null

if we check our previous exploit you can see that its permission is denied now

next is we run our tool again as you can see it shows permission denied on read but on write it was success if you check it also on the web it doesnt show our file.

if you get this response it means that the file is created but you dont have the permission to read

if you dont have a permission to write probably you will get something like this if you try to add the filename you created

if we also go to our realtime database dashboard you can see that our file is in there and the data we entered

so how about the hacktricks script ? we could also use this to check for misconfig on firebase

for this scenario I will use the rootcon 2022 qualifier challenge if you are interested you can check this link for you to try it also on bevigil

after we got the firebase config we just need to copy paste everything to the script and run it. I will obfuscate it to prevent some spoiler

after you run the script you will get lots of data and eventually you will find something odd which will help you to get the flag alternatively you can also get the data by going to /.json in short its the same with read permission misconfig


