How to Create Effective Infographics for Blogs? 5 Tips with Examples

Damanpreet Kaur Vohra
5 min readAug 8, 2023


Looking to grab your reader’s attention? Wondering if content, stats, or images do the trick? Well yes, these three when combined can do wonders! That’s where infographics come into the picture, a great way to captivate your audience. Infographics are a mix of text and visuals, carefully designed to explain complex information in simple language. Humans are awesome at understanding images, way faster than words. So, if you need to share tricky information, data, or stories, infographics are your best friend. Say goodbye to boring content and try these 5 ways to create effective infographics for your blogs.

Note: The examples cited in this article are created by me and are fictional, provided for illustrative purposes only.

Why Add Infographics to Your Blogs?

Incorporating infographics into your blog posts can have a huge impact on your content’s reach and resonance. Here’s why:

  1. More Engagement: Think of infographics as attention magnets for your blog. When you use colorful and attractive visuals to show your information, people are more likely to get interested and stay interested. It’s like when you see a fun picture in a book — you want to keep looking, right? So, infographics help grab and keep your readers’ attention. For example, if you’re writing about a healthy and nutritious diet, a bright infographic showing tasty fruits and veggies can make readers excited to learn more.
Healthy Balanced Diet Chart Infographic Example

2. Easy to Digest: Sometimes, big ideas can feel like a jigsaw puzzle without a picture. But when you use infographics, it’s like you’re giving your readers the puzzle pieces one by one, making it easier for them to see the whole picture. Imagine explaining “How to Build a Solution in VS Code”, words alone might be confusing, but with a step-by-step infographic, it will become easy to understand and implement.

How to Build a Solution in VS Code Step-Wise Infographic Example

3. Increased Shareability: Infographics make it super easy for readers to share on social media. Just like when you share funny videos with your friends, sharing eye-catching infographics widens your blog’s reach to more people. For example, if your blog is about travel tips, a catchy infographic showing “Top Destinations for Tourists in Spain” can make people excited to share it with their travel-loving friends.

4. Memorability: Ever had a favorite song that you remember even after a long time? Infographics work like that — they create an impression in your readers’ minds. When you show information in a visually appealing picture, it’s like giving them a special memory to keep. If your blog talks about a fashionable outfit, a stunning infographic explaining the outfit can stick in readers’ minds, making them remember your blog better.

How to Create Infographics for Your Blogs?

Creating compelling infographics requires a blend of creativity, design, and strategic thinking. Here’s a step-by-step process to guide you:

1. Choose a Topic and Gather Data: Identify a topic that calls for visualization and gather relevant data, statistics, or key points to be included in your infographic.

2. Be Narrative: Every infographic should tell a story. Outline the narrative you want to convey and establish a logical flow of information.

3. Use the Right Tool: There are numerous online and free-to-use designing tools available to create infographics, such as Canva, Piktochart, or Visme. Choose a platform that aligns with your design preferences and creative skills. I personally use Canva to design my blog covers and infographics as it’s easy to use and has a wide range of customized templates. Saves time, hehe.

4. Design with Intention: Pay attention to color schemes, typography, and layout. Maintain a cohesive visual identity that resonates with your content and effectively conveys the information.

5. Visualize the Data: Use charts, graphs, icons, and images to represent your data. Ensure that each visual element serves a purpose and contributes to the overall information.

5 Tips to Create Effective Infographics for Your Blogs

Creating impactful infographics requires a panache. Here are five tips to elevate your infographic game in blogs:

  1. Keep it Simple: Try to keep your design clean and clutter-free. Simplicity enhances readability and ensures your message isn’t lost in a visual cacophony. For example, if you want to portray the difference between UI and UX, then you can simply put short text in each column to make it readable.
Difference Between UI and UX Infographic Example

2. Balanced Text and Visuals: Maintain a harmonious balance between text and visuals. Each element should complement the other, enhancing the reader’s comprehension. If you are using animated graphics as visuals then use them throughout, don’t use animated in one and a real image in another one.

Adding graphics in Infographics Example

3. Color Psychology: Leverage color psychology to evoke emotions and reinforce your message. Use a consistent color palette that resonates with your content and brand identity. If your brand has Blue and Grey as the focus color palette then you might use these colors to provide authenticity and alignment.

4. Font Consistency: Stick to a maximum of two font styles for a cohesive look. Ensure legibility and consider the tone of your content when selecting fonts. You may also use your brand’s logo font to maintain consistency on your infographics.

Adding Fonts in Infographics Example

5. Mobile-Friendly Design: With the rise of mobile browsing, optimize your infographics for different screen sizes. Ensure that your visuals and text remain clear and readable on all devices. These designs are also super easy to share, you just need to download the image and share it.

I hope that after understanding the insights shared in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to create effective infographics that not only enhance your blog’s appeal but also contribute to establishing your authority in your chosen niche. So, go ahead and create eye-catching infographics. Follow me for more such interesting information.

