Why You Should Listen to [Community] Radio and Another Way the Man says, “Fuck You.”

Dirk Sataere
7 min readDec 13, 2017


Let’s start with why radio is important. There are many reasons. It’s free entertainment, it can build community and it can help in an emergency.

Imagine you’re sitting at home, watching Netflix. You hear something in the distance and the TV shuts off. Ok, maybe you’re on a laptop, but Netflix shuts down after a bit and gives you that stupid loading screen. Guess what, your router is plugged into the wall. You look at your cell, and you notice that little warning at the bottom, “Emergency Calls Only.” You begin realize you’re cut off and your heart starts to race a little. Your mind searches for possible answers to what was going on with the little information you have. Was that earlier noise an explosion? What do you do to gather more information? Looking outside, you notice all the lights are out. Your neighbours are in the same boat.

I have good news for you. Radio should still be broadcasting. They’re usually on a battery backup. Radio can provide vital information about the situation that can literally save the the lives of you and those you care about. Even the few sods you don’t care much about, but we’re in this together. Sounds pretty important to have reliable access to this in an emergency, dunnit? There’s a good reason why every article on emergency preparedness will recommend having a battery powered radio in every kit.

What about something a little more day to day. You probably like music, most people do. Or what about the news? Comedy? All of these things are broadcast on the radio. Sure, you can get these things via streaming services, but when you’re out of WiFi it can be expensive on mobile data. Or maybe you’re a cheap-ass *cough* frugal like me and you don’t have data or maybe you have internet so terrible that you can barely stream audio? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to throw in some earphones and listen to the airwaves?

Let’s just assume that you agree, that yes, you would like to listen to the radio right now. Look around you. What do you have that will tune in? Maybe you have a stereo that has a tuner. There’s probably one in your car (If you even own a car). Maybe you have a clock radio (what is that, even?). Chances are, you either don’t have anything handy or it plugs into the wall. (Not useful when the power goes out, have you forgotten?)

What about your cell phone. No? What do you mean it doesn’t have an app for that? Strange, because it’s highly likely the phone’s modem has an FM receiver built in. Seriously, it’s right in there alongside your LTE connectivity. Qualcomm, who probably builds the modem, adds the functionality right in. Most major handset manufacturers use these chips in their devices.

The “man” giving you the ol’ bird

So why doesn’t your phone let you tune into your favourite station? Because fuck you, that’s why. Some asshole has decided it must be wiped with triple-ply $100 bills and its owner thinks that’s a great idea. All while sitting on a golden fucking toilet. Apple has a paid streaming service, so why would they let you get free radio? Service providers don’t care either, because they also want to sell you big data plans (do you see the pattern?). This sounds an awful lot like the time Nikola Tesla had his funding pulled because Tesla’s investor discovered he couldn’t make a profit. What was Tesla working on? Free, limitless, wireless energy. For everyone. Could you imagine the world right now if we had that? Would we be on the brink of a mass extinction or a third World War? One that was accelerated by the greed and stupidity of people like Thomas Edison?… I digress.

Me. Right now.

Are you mad? I’m mad. Are you wondering how you can say Fuck You right back to the Man? First, tell the Man you’re pissed. If enough people do, [s]he’ll eventually listen. Secondly, listen to, and support, your local community radio station. Commercial radio is all fine and dandy in an emergency, but on a day to day basis it’s just trying to sell you a service or product and make money, most of which goes up to that asshole on a golden toilet. When the sole purpose of an entity is profit, everyone else loses. In the long run, ironically enough, even that fat cat loses. Unfortunately most of them think that the next generation will bear the burden of their crimes. Even more unfortunate is that we allow it.

How is community radio different than commercial radio you ask?

They run not-for-profit, for one. Which allows them freedom from corporate dictation. This allows them to produce an extreme variety of content. Which, by the way, is produced with passion instead of a desire for a paycheque. This results in more genuine and engaging content. Do you like music or talk? There’s programming for that. It doesn’t matter what you prefer. Maybe you don’t like a particular show. Guess what? It’ll be different in an hour or two. Do you hate it when you hear the same shitty song on the radio over and over and over? That doesn’t happen with this much variety. You may hear a particularly good song again, but definitely not in the same hour, day or even week.

Those gaaahhhdd dang ads!

What about advertising? I’m sure you’re as frustrated as me with how many there are shoved in your face everywhere you go. Commercial radio is no different. The same 30 second blip trying to convince you to buy a car or visit McDonald’s. Advertisements on community driven radio are minimal, relevant and appealing. Do you know want to know where the coolest places and events are in town? Community radio provides better insight into the smaller, local businesses and cultural events that may not make it onto commercial radio. They don’t ask you to go out and buy a case of beer, they want you to support a local event or business. All of this provides incalculable benefits to the community in which they operate.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Supporting community is the single most important thing you could be doing with your free time. Where to find a reliable babysitter? Ask your community. What about that Indian place around the corner? If you support them, you’re helping send a daughter to university, or a kid to hockey camp. Not line some shareholders pockets. If you embrace and support the community around you, the greatest things can be achieved. If you’re pissed off at injustices caused directly by the greed of a few, band together. United we are strong, divided we fall. Tell the Powers that Be that you’re tired of them and you want that $100 bill to be free of shit when they let a few out of their dirty hands.

How can you speak up? Online petitions are gaining traction, and sometimes organizations pop up, or you can create one, in support of a specific issue. You can send mail to your elected officials, from local municipal representatives all the way to the federal level. The people on top know that their support comes from the people below, so if enough people stand up and tell them that what they’re doing is not right, they will listen. Free Radio On My Phone is an organization in the US and Canada lobbying to have the FM chip reactivated.

So get out there, say Hello to your neighbour. Get involved. Be the change! Yell at your cell service provider! Ask your elected officials to help. Tune into and support your local community radio. A sustainable future is attainable for everyone if we work together.



Dirk Sataere

Occasionally I like to think I’m a writer. I write miscellaneous blogs/articles and fantasy fiction.