Instagram hashtags for Vancouver business

Damian Jolley
6 min readDec 11, 2017

If Instagram is part of your digital strategy and marketing then you want to be part of the right conversations and communities, and hashtags are one way to get in. Advertising, promoted posts and influencer marketing are great ways to engage your audience — but hashtags will help stretch your content organically (free!).

Social media blogs will tell you to ‘research’ hashtags. But what does that actually mean? Spending hours combing through posts and influencers in your industry will often just leave you overwhelmed and wondering how some accounts get so many followers and engagement. We’re all busy, and basically: hashtag research sucks!

Below is a lists of the top Instagram hashtags for business in Vancouver as a quick copy-and-paste reference. Bookmark this page and come back to it for all your Instagram hashtag needs.

Complete List of Hashtags for Vancouver Businesses

These hashtag organized into categories by industry type. These lists focus on hashtags for business in the Vancouver area.

General Vancouver Hashtags for Instagram

#igersvancouver #igvancouver #ig_vancouver #vancouver_canada #vancitynow #igers_vancouver #vancouvergram

Vancouver Business



Damian Jolley

Digital creative human, based in Vancouver BC. (he/him)