How will the AR Glasses be a productivity boost? | Skeptic Designer

Damian Zung
2 min readAug 20, 2020

With the upcoming AR Glasses technology, it is both hard and exciting to imagine how it will affect one’s workflow. It is even harder to image how one could integrate the provided tool into their day-to-day life.

How can the AR Glasses boost one’s productivity?

How subtle will it be?

Will it be more efficient?

What will those who prefer not wearing glasses feel?

In what context does using an AR glasses make sense besides just for navigation when you are outside? → People might not be comfortable wearing expensive glass outside and get ripped off easily

When seated, one might not be wearing glasses but using other devices for more flexibility. How will the glasses be useful but not dominant over other main medias such as phones and laptops.

If they are to be used on the road, will that be dangerous to be using a device while driving?

Is the cool toy only for the sake of the cool toy? Or is it for something so important this project cannot be done without it?

Skeptic Designer is a series aims to target the upcoming technologies and their usability. How will they be implemented? How are they not gimmicks? Are they replaceable? Is the market ready for them yet? Or are they, once again, cool gadgets born in the wrong era?



Damian Zung

Freelancer based in Saigon, Vietnam. Specialized in Product Design & Branding. An enthusiast of the Design Sprint. Checkout my work: