How to Handle Windshield Chip/Crack Repair?

Damien Green
3 min readOct 25, 2022


A chipped windshield glass

Imagine you’re driving down the road, and a rock hits your car’s windshield, and now it’s chipped or cracked. Luckily, a crack or chip doesn’t always mean you need a windshield replacement. Certified windshield experts like Xpress Auto Glass can repair cracks, chips, and nicks.

Nonetheless, it’s best to get your windshield checked right away. This guide walks you through the process of handling a windshield crack and chip. First step: Don’t panic.

Why Is Windshield Chip Repair Important?

First, the longer you put off getting the windshield repaired, the more it’ll exacerbate. Driving on uneven roads and bumpy terrains put pressure on the chips leading to a crack. Besides, repairing a chip is less costly than replacing your windshield.

Second, a damaged windshield compromises your safety as the windshield chips affect the strength of the glass.

You can repair windshield chips using DIY kits, but it’s better to consult a professional. Why? Well, filling minute cracks can be challenging. If something goes wrong, you won’t be able to fix it and will need professional help anyway. Why not just go for it in the first place?

Questions To Ask An Auto Glass Service Shop

If you decide to schedule a repair service, here are three questions you should ask the service provider:

1. Are your technicians certified? Auto glass certification assures that the technicians have been trained in the field to follow proper procedures in installing, repairing, and removing the glass. Xpress Auto Glass has a team of certified Opti-Aim calibration technicians who can repair your windshield chips and cracks.

2. What type of warranty do you provide? The type of warranty may differ based on the type of repair. Xpress Auto Glass’ windshield repair services come with a lifetime workmanship warranty assuring high-quality work.

3. How soon can I use my car after the repair? A repair takes half an hour or less, and you can drive the car immediately. In case of replacement, your technician will advise you on when it’s safe to drive the car.

Get Certified Auto Glass Services in Austin

Xpress Auto Glass offers certified and top-notch windshield repair and replacement services. With 20+ years of experience, they’re one of the top choices for car owners looking to get auto glass repair and replacement in Austin.

A severely damaged windshield

Xpress Auto Glass also offers mobile windshield repair Austin services where their technicians will immediately come to your rescue in case you meet a roadside accident or want at-home service. Call them today for any windshield-related troubles!

