Puzzled by Quora moderation. Bots or humans?

Damien Schreurs
2 min readFeb 26, 2018


A few days ago, I noticed that some of the Quora answers I posted in 2017 got deleted by Quora moderation.

Since I answer questions related to Apple products and services, and apps that can be installed on those devices, I used to mention my free e-mail course “35 tips & tricks for your iPhone, iPad & Mac” in the footer of some of my answers.

In good faith, I did that only when I believed it was relevant in the context of my answer.

After carefully reading the Quora policy on what it considered spam, I realised that this footer could be interpreted as spam.

As a result, on Sunday Feb 25th, 2018 afternoon (roughly between 2pm and 6pm CET), I painstakingly went through all my 400+ answers to find and remove, when present, the offending footer.

I thought I did the right thing.

Today, on Mon Feb 26th, 2018 I was notified that an answer of mine, from which I had already removed the offending footer, got deleted by Quora moderation.

To be honest, this baffles me.

In real life, people usually don’t get punished when they correct their mistake and do their best to abide by the law.

It does not seem to be the case with Quora.

The most frustrating is that there are no humans to talk to at Quora.

Just buttons to click and contact forms to fill, with no human feedback whatsoever.

I appealed the decision, explaining what I did, and why I believe my answer was incorrectly flagged and then deleted.

Now, I’m simply waiting for Quora moderation’s final decision on my appeal.

And you, what is your experience with Quora moderation?



Damien Schreurs

Freelance Apple Tutor & Consultant and Explainer-in-chief at EasyTECH