5 secrets you need to clean burnt pots and pans

Andre fosh
4 min readMay 14, 2017


Today I would share a secret to clean your pots and pans.

I learned this after some time after I have burnt a few pots and pans; I needed to connect with companions and learned numerous techniques on cleaning my burnt pots and pans.

This mystery on cleaning consumed pots and pans would be of help for the most part for those that are now considering discarding their pot.

I have tossed a couple of burnt pots and pans out in the past however since I learned this secret I no longer discard pot and pans once more.

Secret #1 — Soak in Hot Water

This technique is very famous yet what makes it not to be powerful most circumstances is because we utilize warm water rather than boiling hot water.

Before you even think about tackling the burnt on marks, the main thing you’ll have to do, to clean a consumed pot is simply soak the pot or pan in hot water.

The simplest approach to do this is simply to heat up water in a kettle and precisely pour the water in the pot or pan until it covers the problem area.

You may need to utilize two kettles of water on the off chance that you’ve burnt quite high up the sides of the pot and pan.

Presently, absorbing boiling hot water wouldn’t have any effect on the burnt marks. What this does is loosen any burnt on food, and helps to lift pieces of food off the bottom of the pot.

You’ll then have the capacity to deplete the water and scoop out any free pieces, which will make the cleaning procedure so considerably less complex.

You can likewise add dishwashing cleanser to the boiling hot water. Give the pot or container a chance to soak for 60 minutes, or overnight.

Secret #2 — Add vinegar

After the pot or dish may have drenched for a considerable length of time, you ought to see dirt from the pot expelling itself.

You can remove that dirt from the pot or pan. Include a measure of a cup of vinegar to the pot, again modifying the measure of vinegar in light of the dirt on the pot and the region of the stain.

For huge burns, include more vinegar. For littler burns or shallower pans, include less.

Put the pot or pan on the stove, and heat the blend to the point of boiling. You would watch the stains bouncing out in little amount.

Secret #3 — Add baking soda

Take the pot or pan off the burner, and turn off the stove. Include 3 tablespoons of baking soda to the blend.

Enable the preparing soda to bubble and do its work for a couple of minutes. You can give the mixture a chance to chill a bit before emptying the mixture from the pot.

Subsequent to emptying the pot or pan, you can now include little water and dish liquid, scrub delicately and wash.

On the off chance that the stains are not all gone although you shouldn’t perceive any stain again however in the event that the stain is so dried in you can include water and dish liquid once more, scrub again till it’s perfect.

You ought to have a clean pot or pan now.

Secret #4 — Add ketchup

Another intriguing technique to clean your pots and pans is the use of ketchup.

At the point when copper pots and pans or beautiful molds get dull and discolored, light them up with ketchup.

It’s less expensive than business discolors removers and safe to apply without gloves. Coat the copper surface with a thin layer of the ketchup.

Give it a chance to sit for five to thirty minutes.

Acids in the ketchup will respond with the stain and evacuate it. wash the pot or pan and dry instantly.

Secret #5 — Add salt water

The part I like most is using salt to clean pots and pans.

I use salt for standard cooking and other unimportant stuff, however, I didn’t know it can likewise be used to clean pot and pans. The method for this is very basic.

Simply soak the pot or pan overnight in salt water, pour it away in the morning and pour hot water with salt again to soak a little while.

Dispose the mixture and clean the pot and container with a hardened wire brush.

The stains would lift right off.

This article was originally posted on kitchenutilitypro.com

