How to be a Django Form Mixologist

You’ve undoubtedly come across the Mixin pattern in Python: it allows for easy inheritance and a DRY method for code. However, the clean method makes things a bit tricky, especially when dealing with cleaning fields that depend on each other. This guide will show you how to properly implement a Django form with mixin classes.

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Why Mixins?

Mixins are great for mixing multiple classes together. For example, consider the following example:

class Animal:
def __init__(self, name): = name

def speak(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method")

class MammalMixin:
def give_birth(self):
return f"{} gives birth."

class ReptileMixin:
def lay_eggs(self):
return f"{} lays eggs."

class Lion(Animal, MammalMixin):

lion = Lion("Simba")
print(lion.speak()) # Raises NotImplementedError because it hasn't been implemented yet
except Exception as e:
print(lion.give_birth()) # Output: Simba gives birth.
print(lion.lay_eggs()) # Output: Simba cannot lay eggs.
except Exception as e…

