How to Use AI Intelligently in Your Organization

Avoid shiny object syndrome ✨ while still setting the curve 📈. Your team and customers will thank you. 🙏

90s Vintage Photo of geeky young adults surrounding a glowing crystal (generated by InvokeAI)
90s Vintage Photo of geeky young adults surrounding a glowing crystal (generated by InvokeAI)

I actually started to write this article before the showdown between Microsoft and OpenAI over Mr. Altman. So the timing couldn’t be better. Unless you’ve been living under a rock (or off the grid) you’ve undoubtedly been aware of the huge AI boon. And you’ve undoubtedly seen startups galore spamming social media about why their ChatGPT wrapper for a dog walking company is better than the ChatGPT wrapper for an essay writer (I mean, let’s be honest — that’s what most AI apps are anyway). How can you use AI to stay ahead in business without falling for the AI hype cycle?

First of, Know that A.I. is Nothing New

As long as a mechanical device to calculate has existed, so has the desire to automate that process further. Even in the 1950’s, our grand old friend Alan Turing proposed “what if computers were able to construct knowledge from data?”

Obviously the computing power was not there quite yet, as people often held their breath in hopes their giant refrigerator could compute 2+2=4 correctly. But alongside “normal” programming, there was also artificial intelligence incorporated in the…

