This is What your Tech Team NEEDS to do in 2024 to Stay Ahead

Don’t fall behind. Set the curve. Let others follow in your footsteps.

Simple art illustration of people climbing up a hill. Generated using stable-diffusion-xl on InvokeAI. Prompt: simple svg illustration, article cover, simple shapes, simple colors, team of people heading uphill in an intense struggle

Let’s get right down to it!

Think Outside the Box

Who sets the rules? You do! Don’t look to Google, Microsoft, Facebook. They have millions of employees, they play an average game, and your playbook can’t look like theirs.

Talk with other businesses working on unique projects. Ask what worked for them. Set aside a budget to play around with new ideas.

Opt for Collaboration over Competition

In a post-COVID, mid-AI era, nobody trusts each other. We’ve grown accustomed to the culture Antarctic team in The Thing, ready to shoot first and ask questions later.

But we have to remember we’re in the middle of a recession. Let’s all look after each other. Operate your business out of love, not out of fear.

Seek ways to collaborate with others — even your competition! — to bring more value to your customers.

Encourage Coffee Chats with Non-Employees

It can be comfortable to be part of a team and feel like family. This makes it difficult to…

