Moses was being stupid at the Red Sea.

Damola Ogunbambo
2 min readFeb 27, 2020


Moses leading the children of Israel across the Red Sea

Sometimes I think how stupid it must have been to have seen Moses at the Red Sea stretching out a rod.

We must understand the hierarchy of water bodies. It starts from a poodle, to a pond, lake, spring, stream, river then sea and eventually an ocean.

To put in perspective, a sea is the second largest water body in earth and it is big enough for a ship (which is usually bigger that four mansions put together) to travel on.

Now, imagine an army of trained soldiers (killing machines we might call them) charging from behind with a loud and thunderous noise so threatening that it could make the spirit separate from the body (like it’s portrayed in an old cartoon — “Casper the friendly ghost”).

What did Moses then do, listening to thousands of people rambling and fretting for their lives? He stretched out a rod? How stupid must that have looked? Don’t you think?

Logically, first thing to do would have been to separate the women and children from the crowd, get the “able bodied men” to converge, divide them into two, one half will stand behind with any weapon (stones, sticks e.t.c) that they could find and the other will start building rafts that could serve as a way to float across; that should at least save some people.

Yet, this man called Moses says he heard a voice in his head telling him to stretch a rod across the sea? Something must have been wrong with his medulla oblongata.

When I imagine being in that crowd on that day, prior to when the outstanding miracle took place, I would have concluded that Moses was indeed stupid.

The story however is different, Moses wasn’t stupid, he trusted in the Lord (which oftentimes appears as foolishness and being stupid) to men and the great Red Sea parted way until the land was dry for his people to cross over.

The awe and amazement that must have dropped the jaws of the people when the winds would have started and the water currents began to move each divide of the sea in opposing directions.

I don’t think anyone alive today could rarely understand or paint the picture as vivid as those that had experienced it.

Lesson: Trust “stupidly” and absolutely in God because he will always make a way in a manner you will never term logical.

Written by: moskyquotes (my fictional writing name)

