Garlic Bacon King Review

Yes, I ate that

Dan Ulanoff
2 min readAug 25, 2021
Photo by Author.

What comes to mind when you think about the word, “disgusting”? I’m sure for 95% of you it’s the pronunciation of moist. However, the remaining 5% are all thinking about one thing. One place. One man.

The Burger King. An entity so frightening I won’t dare to show his grinning face here, lest we invoke his power.

A monarch, who feeds the masses across countless kingdoms. Each Burger King pumping out such delicacies as “The Ch’King,” “The Whopper,” and “Jalapeno Poppers.” Now, right under our noses, our seemingly benevolent King has released something new. Behold, the Garlic Bacon King.

At 1,094 calories and a circumference the size of a small moon, the Garlic Bacon King is not for the faint of heart. In his cruelty, our Dark Lord has created something even he cannot control.

Generously covered in crunchy garlic pieces, thick strips of bacon, mayonnaise, and melted American cheese. Every time one of these is made an angel dies. Just one bite and you’ll question the definition of words like “salty” and “food.”

Know that you and your loved ones are not safe from his meaty grasp. The King doesn’t care if you upchuck!!! Resistance is futile. His Kingdom beckons. Even now I can hear them as I write this. The voices, whispering…flame-broiled taste…have it your way…the bathroom is for customers only…

I will never be free. It’s too late for me, but not for you.

Run, while you still can, and tell the world what happened here. We can’t let him win.

