Elk Lake Triathlon 2023: Race Report

4 min readAug 7, 2023


Elk Lake Triathlon’s 42nd Edition

The Elk Lake Triathlon, Standard distance, was a unique event for me, as I last raced there in 2018 at the start of my triathlon journey. Instead of the usual tapering, I approached this race with a strong build for the 70.3 World Championships in Finland later this month and came in slightly fatigued. This was all part of a plan, aiming not just to race at Elk Lake but to continue building endurance and fine-tuning for the next race.

Pre-Race: Fueling Up

The day began on an early note, up at 4:45 AM for a drive out to Elk Lake with Milton at 5:30 AM. I had take-out dinner the night before at one of my favourite sushi places, a common ritual, and breakfast before leaving my house consisting of toast with peanut butter and some F2C 5:1.

The weather couldn’t have been more accommodating, partly cloudy skies and a temperature range of 13C to 19C. It was neither too hot nor too cold, allowing for a comfortable race. However, the water was quite warm, so wetsuits were not allowed.

I also remember to squeeze in a coffee Gu gel, my pre-swim ritual, before heading into the water.

Swim: A No-Wetsuit Challenge

The 1.5km swim was indeed a challenge without a wetsuit, finishing in 31:51 (2:07/100m). I felt strong and confident throughout, despite some pulling and kicking from fellow competitors. The absence of a wetsuit obviously added an extra layer of difficulty, removing that buoyancy.

Two loops of the triangle, for the 1500m swim course.

Bike: A Duel on Two Wheels

The 44km bike segment was where the race truly came to life. Completing it at a pace of 33.81km/h, there was a small change to the course a day or so before the race to avoid some construction.

Wes and I found ourselves locked in a friendly duel. The course was fast, and not very technical. My Wahoo Rival decided to enter “Recovering Data” mode at some point early in the bike segment, reminiscent of an incident in my previous Switzerland race in July.

Out and back on the bike.

Run: Battling Through Pain

The 10km run was marked by painful shin splints during the first 5–6km, finishing in 41:58. They did eventually subside, allowing me to finish strong. That I must have had a good bike and been chasing down some of the stronger athletes became apparent, although I never found any of them.

Classic Elk Lake loop for the run.

Reflections and Takeaways

Finishing in 2:34:39 as 12th overall and 2nd in my age group, this race was filled with personal victories and some challenges. Reflecting on how far I’ve come since this race in 2018 adds a layer of personal victory.

The Elk Lake Triathlon's rich history and dedicated community is a local event I can certainly recommend. Making it onto the podium is a testament to the hard work, determination, and spirit that has fueled me this season.

Next up, the excitement of the 70.3 World Championships in Finland, which I qualified for at the Ironman 70.3 Victoria earlier this year at the same venue. The journey continues, and I’m grateful for the community, fellow athletes, friends, and family who continually cheer me on.

Link: SportsStats Results,

About Dan: I’m an entrepreneur with experience in various industries, including fintech, real estate, and performance marketing. Most recently, Co-Founder and COO at Billi Labs (exit), and VP Operations at Pretio Interactive (exit).

I am passionate about endurance sport and exploring the intersection between technology, health, and performance.

Connect with me on Website, Strava, LinkedIn, and Twitter.




Fintech Entrepreneur, Plant-Powered Endurance Athlete. Exploring New Paths. 🇨🇦 🇬🇧