2024 ZRL Race Series

Ride Along: Updated after every race Tuesday

8 min readJan 24, 2024

A Primer on Zwift Racing Series (ZRL)

The Zwift Racing League (ZRL) is the world’s largest virtual cycling competition. In the 2023/24 season, over 26,000 riders took part, marking it as the biggest season yet. The league is managed by WTRL and is a team-based points competition that spans multiple weeks. Teams are divided into divisions based on time zones and abilities, with races occurring every Tuesday. The season is structured into three 6-week rounds with short breaks in between.

ZRL features different race formats, including scratch races, points races, and team time trials (TTT). Scratch Races focus on the final finish line points, while Points Races include intermediate segments for additional scoring opportunities. The TTTs are about team coordination, with the team’s time taken from the fourth rider to finish.

Riders need to be signed up for ZwiftPower and must use a power meter or a smart trainer. Heart rate and cadence monitors are also required for participation. The league emphasizes fair competition and has official channels for reporting any suspicious behaviour or performances.

Teams in ZRL can have up to 12 racers rostered, but only six can race in each event. There’s a minimum of four riders per team roster, and a rider can be on a maximum of two teams per round.

The ZRL is part of a broader range of Zwift racing events that cater to all levels of cyclists, from beginners to elite athletes.

This year, I’m thrilled to have discovered and be a part of SISU Racing. For this round, I am on ZRL Team Sinisorsa. Joining SISU has opened up a new interest in my Zwift cycling journey. I plan to document my experience in this series as an addition to my overall training log.

Round 3, Race 1 — Ocean Lava Cliffside Loop (Scratch)

Tuesday, January 23 2024

🥇 All Time PR in 3 min power to 322W +6%
🥇 All Time PR in 5min power to 304W +4%
🥇 All Time PR in 10 min power to 279 +2%
🥈 2nd Best All Time PR in 2 min power to 242W +7%
🥉 3rd Best All Time PR in 15 min power to 266W +1%
🥉 3rd Best All Time PR in 20 min power to 262W +1%
🏆 8-week PR in 15 sec power to 495W +1%

The first race of round 3 was a real burner. We started strong with a big group of 60, but things heated up when we hit the hill at about 9 km. A lead group of 20 riders managed to break away, and I couldn’t catch up.

My timing with the aero booster was off; I used it too early on a less critical climb and didn’t have it when it mattered. By the time everyone blasted their boosters at the finish, I was already behind.

I finished 29th, which is great considering I recently bumped up from C. I also hit some personal records for my power on my 3/5/10 minute efforts. Always more to learn about timing and strategy in these races. Every race is a lesson, and I’m here to learn and get better. Looking forward to sharing more as the round progresses.

Strava // Zwift Power // Twitch

Round 3, Race 2 — Island Hopper in Makuri Islands (Points)

Tuesday, January 30 2024

🥇 All Time PR in 15 min power to 272W +1%
🥇 All Time PR in 30 min power to 257W +1%
🥇 All Time PR in 45 min power to 251W +2%
🥇 All Time PR in 60 min power to 238W +6%
🥉 3rd Best All Time PR in 10 min power to 278W +2%
🥉 3rd Best All Time PR in 20 min power to 269W +3%
🏆 8-week PR in 15 sec power to 495W +1%

Computer issues almost derailed my start in Race 2, but a quick computer restart got me back on track. Once I got my music and a brief strategy chat with Team SISU out of the way, I was ready to roll.

I kept up with the lead group from the start, but the second hill on the first lap spread us out and turned on the pressure. We lost some distance to the lead pack but caught up when the pace eased a bit between sprints — a small, hard-earned success even though it left us breathless for the next surge.

The course was tough: 35.9km over two laps of the Island Hopper with eight sprints. Drained by the end of lap one, I somehow found a second wind and kept pushing to the end of the next.

One key takeaway was the smart use of the eight power-ups we were given. I quickly learned to use them strategically during the sprint segments, which paid off.

The results? Personal bests that I’m happy with, marking new power output highs across various times. I finished 19 out of 60, and our team snagged the 6th spot for the EMEA region. All in all, not too shabby.

Strava // Zwift Power // Twitch

Round 3, Race 3 — R.G.V. in France (TTT)

Tuesday, February 6 2024

The team time trial today went off smoothly — I managed to get a but of a longer warm-up in, downed a pre-workout, and thankfully, no tech hiccups today.

The course was flat in France (Island Hopper) an ideal route for a time trial where pacing and teamwork are key. With five of us in sync, we cut through the course. Figuring out the rotation is always a bit of a puzzle depending on what strategy you take - I find it’s smoother when we’ve got our rotation numbers upfront in our usernames. However, Mitch was on point with the calls on Discord, on race radio, making sure our pulls were well-coordinated and on time.

I reckon I could’ve handled some longer stints at the front; started off with brisk 30-second pulls, then shifted to a full minute, which, in hindsight, might have been a tad ambitious so I shifted back to the 30-seconds.

In the end, we placed fourth in the EMEA region — a solid result. There’s always room to tweak our strategy, but today’s effort was a strong one and reflected some good teamwork. On to the next one!

Strava // Zwift Power // Twitch

Round 3, Race 4 — Innsbruckring Leg Snapper in Innsbruck (Scratch)

Tuesday, February 13 2024

🥈 2nd Best All Time PR in 1 min power to 378W +3%

Leg Snapper, dropped first time round, pulled the rest of the rounds.
Did not enjoy this one, not suited to my strengths.
Oh man, got dropped on the first lap up the leg snapper and never got back on — 45th

Strava // Zwift Power // Twitch

Round 3, Race 5 — Chasing the Sun in Makuri Islands (Points)

Tuesday, February 20 2024

🥈 2nd Best All Time PR in 15 sec power to 554W +7%
🥉 3rd Best All Time PR in 60 min power to 234W +4%

This race stretched across 35.1km, starting in Neokyo’s harbor, moving through city rooftops, and venturing into Yumezi’s countryside up to the Temple KOM, combining for a total climb of 315m.

This wasn’t just a race to the finish; it was a strategic play for points from three categoies: First Across the Line (FAL), Fastest Through Segment (FTS), and Finish (FIN) points, adding a layer of strategy I haven’t fully appreciated before.

A large group stayed together until the Temple KOM, where the dynamic shifted. Four riders broke away, and despite a push, we couldn’t close the gap. This underscored the balance between physical endurance and strategy, as the points skwed a focus on FTS and FAL. A clear lesson in the importance of strategic effort rather than an outright sprint to the finish.

In hindsight, a deeper understanding of the system and a more calculated approach to exerting effort could have better positioned us as a team. Our ninth-place finish reflected this, highlighting that a more segment-focused strategy might have served us better.

While tough, I enjoyed this race as it was provided insightful lessons on the importance of strategy in point-based races.

Strava // Zwift Power // Twitch

Round 3, Race 6— Out and Back Again (TTT)

Tuesday, February 27 2024

Unfortunately came down sick and could not complete in this race.

About Dan: I’m an entrepreneur with experience in various industries, including fintech, real estate, and performance marketing. Most recently, Co-Founder and COO at Billi Labs (exit), and VP Operations at Pretio Interactive (exit).

I am passionate about endurance sport and exploring the intersection between technology, health, and performance.

Connect with me on Website, Strava, LinkedIn, and Twitter.




Fintech Entrepreneur, Plant-Powered Endurance Athlete. Exploring New Paths. 🇨🇦 🇬🇧