What is the best, free calculator for the 2020 AP Statistics, AP Physics and AP Calculus exams?

Dan Haiem
4 min readApr 4, 2020


As the College Board previously announced, due to the Coronavirus, the AP2020 tests will be taken at home. Today, the College Board released new details about the test, including the announcement that digital/online calculators can be used, and “may be helpful” on the AP exams. (kudos to the College Board for their continued efforts and successes improving equity and access!) AP exams that usually make the use of calculators include: AP Statistics, AP Calculus and AP Physics, AP Environmental Science, AP Chemistry and AP Economics

While handheld calculators are certainly an option, they can be prohibitively expensive. Here are the most important things to consider when picking a calculator to use for the AP exam:

  1. Does it have all the functions I might potentially need during an AP exam?
  2. Is it easy to use? If I’m using my phone, does it have an intuitive interface and smooth user experience?
  3. Does the calculator have strong online support and informative tutorials?
  4. Can it save me time?
  5. Is it really free?

Full disclosure: I am part of the ClassCalc team. While that means my opinion may be somewhat biased, it also means I have an informed perspective on digital calculators and their various features.

While I highly suggest checking out some of the incredible apps out there like Wolfram, Desmos and Geogebra, we have worked tirelessly at ClassCalc to build a calculator perfect for this exact scenario. Here is an analysis of ClassCalc based on the criteria laid out above.

1. Does it have all the functions I might potentially need during an AP exam?

Yes. See below.

  • Statistics: Check out a list of all our statistical functions, including regressions, hypothesis/statistical testing, distributions and variable statistics here.
ClassCalc graphing calculator exploring the Normal and Binomial distributions
  • Calculus: ClassCalc has support for all required graphing functions, including solving and plotting derivatives and integrals.
ClassCalc Graphing calculator computing trigonometric integrals
  • Physics, Economics, Chemistry, and Environmental Science: ClassCalc’s scientific calculator has strong support for compounding interest (in Econ), large exponents (in Physics), saving / reusing constants and much more.
ClassCalc scientific calculator playing around with Newton’s law of universal gravitation

2. Is it easy to use? If I’m using my phone, does it have an intuitive interface and smooth user experience?

  • That’s up to you to decide, but we’ve done well to craft an experience that’s easy on the eyes, and intuitive to figure out. Our iOS/Android app is optimized to be one of the smoothest mobile experiences. Try it out and share your thoughts!

3. Does the calculator have strong online support and informative tutorials?

4. Can it save me time?

  • Possibly, depending on the exam, and how you use the calculator. ClassCalc runs most functions instantaneously. Additionally, most functions are easily found within their function category (stats, calculus, algebra etc), and can also be typed in directly (ie. typing in “log”)

5. Is it really free?

  • Yes, the ClassCalc calculator is 100% free with no “pay-to-unlock” functions and no ads.

If you find ClassCalc useful, please share far and wide so that no student goes on without access to proper tools for succeeding in class and on AP testing. If you have any questions, thoughts or concerns, let us know below, or email us at team@classcalc.com.

Side note: ClassCalc is our own product and is not endorsed by College Board. These are all statements and assertions made based on publicly available information online. If you think we made any mistakes, please let us know.

Calculator links Android | iOS | Webapp

2020 AP Practice Test Video Walkthroughs I made:



Dan Haiem

Society is built on education and my goal is to empower educators. With tools of exploration. With community. With discussion.