How To Use Atomic Bazaar

7 min readJul 13, 2018


Getting Started

NOTE: For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll assume that you already have metamask and some ETH.

Go to Atomic Bazaar and Sign Up

Navigate to and click `Sign Up / Login`

We’ll populate the address field automatically. Add as much other profile information as you’d like, then click `Sign Up`.

Sign the message in the MetaMask popup to verify that your identity.

NOTE: If you click a button that seems like it should trigger a MetaMask popup, but it doesn’t, check to see if there’s a grey square with a white numberal on top of the MetaMask icon. If there is, click the icon to open the popup manually.

Buying a ‘Buy It Now’ Listing

Navigate to Listings, then click on an interesting listing.

Click `Buy It Now` to purchase the listing with Dai.

If you don’t have enough Dai to buy the listing, go to AirSwap or Radar Relay to get more.

I only had enough ETH to get 10 Dai, so I’ll make an offer on this listing instead. Click `Propose Alternative`.

The layout of the page will change to permit you to add assets to your proposal. Click the `add tokens` field to access the token selector dropdown.

Scroll and click to select an asset. You can offer NTFs, W-ETH, or Dai.

Enter a value and then click `ADD`.

Click `Enable Trading` to approve the underlying Atomic Bazaar protocol to transfer the asset.

Submit the transaction in the MetaMask popup.

When the transaction is mined and the status oval says `READY TO TRADE`, click `Create Offer` to send your offer to the listing’s owner.

Wait patiently for that sweet, sweet, acceptance. Or go track down a sure thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Here’s something I can afford outright!

Click on the listing, then when you’re on the listing’s page, click `Buy It Now` to bring up the ‘Buy It Now’ checkout modal.

Check that you’ve got enough balance Dai and that you’ve approved enough of it for the trade. If both figures check out, click `Buy It Now`

This is where it might get a little funky. This part requires two transactions. First, you have to sign a hash of the contents of the trade.

Then immediately after signing the hash of the trade, you should get another MetaMask popup prompting you to execute the transaction that actually moves all of the assets in the trade.

NOTE: This second popup sometimes fails to pop up. If you sign the hash and don’t see it right away, look for a grey notification box on the MetaMask extension icon.

Upon submitting the transaction, you’ll be redirected to the trade’s page. Click the `Success! Click to see Transaction.` button to inspect the transaction on Etherscan.

Success! When the transaction is mined, you’ll be redirected to the Completed Trade page.

That’s a wrap on making a purchase. Now let’s create a listing with our new CryptoKitty.

Creating a Listing

Click the `Listings` link in the navigation menu, then click the `New Listing` button.

On the ‘New Listing’ page, click the `add tokens` bar to open the token dropdown.

Then select CryptoKitties.

Wait for your kitties to load.

Then select a kitty from your inventory.

Then click `Enable Trading` to trigger the MetaMask popup for the transaction that will allow the Atomic Bazaar trading protocol to move the kitty.

Then submit the transaction.

Then give your listing a title and description.

As soon as you’ve added an asset, provided a title, and written a brief description, you and create the listing by clicking `Create Listing`, but this is going to be a Buy It Now listing. So check the `Buy It Now price` box to open the Buy It Now interface.

Then set a Buy It Now price for your listing.

Once you’ve set a price, click `Create Listing`.

Then sign the hash of the trade to create the listing.

You’ll be redirected to the newly created listing page. You can delete the listing if you get cold feet or you can share the listing’s unique URL if you’re hot to trot. Click `Share` if you want to share the link.

Click the `Copy URL` button to copy the listing’s URL to your clipboard, then share it on discord, telegram, or wherever else you negotiate your NFT trades.

To check on your trade, click `My Trades`.

Great! It looks like someone has made an offer. A pending offer with an ‘Incoming’ status is an offer that another user has made on one of my listings. Click the listing to examine the offer.

If the offer is unacceptable, you can reject it by clicking `Reject Offer`, but in this case, I stand to make $1.50 in profit, so I’ll accept it by clicking `Accept Offer`.

This will be another two step interaction with MetaMask. The first popup will prompt me to sign the hash of the trade. The second executes the swap itself. Click `Sign` in the first popup and `Submit` in the second.

When you submit the transaction in the second popup, you’ll be redirected to the trade’s page, where you can click the `Waiting to be mined. Click to check Transaction` button to inspect the transaction on Etherscan.

Don’t worry if Etherscan can’t locate the transaction hash right away. They’ll find it soon. When they do, you can watch its progress.

Once it’s been mined, back on Atomic Bazaar, you’ll be redirected to the completed trade page.

And that wraps up a the lifecycle of a listing, from creation, through acceptance, to completion.

Stay tuned for moreAtomic Bazaar tutorials!

