Winning & Losing: Win with Humility and Lose with Dignity

Dan Kann
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readNov 16, 2020

In the long run, everyone is a winner

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All of us want to win, including the POTUS and the former V-POTUS.

The confusion surrounding the US election in 2020 has changed the narrative. It is less about who won. It is more about who lost it.

In the world we live, losing has become more difficult.

Votes are countable. So, the US will have an objectively determined election result soon. Despite the media jamboree, I have no opinion on the outcome. But it is not anymore about the elections.

It is the question of winning and losing.

Winning has become the only acceptable choice. We are failing to accept that every contest can create both winners and losers.

It is a problem at every level. At the political level. At the personal level. At the professional level.

The Difference can be Marginal

When you strive hard in life, you win some contests and lose others. Often the difference between winning and losing is very small.

Therefore, winning does not give you the right to trample the loser. Losing should not devastate you either. Show humility in winning and dignity on losing.

How do you cope with the losses?

In life, losing is the pathway to winning. The Bible tells us that often losing meant winning. John 12:24 says the Lord Jesus said that unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it will by no means produce fruit. That is the truth.

The pain of losing is universal. It is timeless. Dalai Lama said,

Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.”

Loosing is an outcome that exists with each of our efforts for winning. If we lose now, we can win later. If we fail here, we succeed somewhere else. Overcoming the loss means winning eventually.

Everyone is a Winner in the Long Run

As a head-hunter in my professional life, I learned a lesson from the US elections 2020. For every CEO we recruit, there could be a dozen unsuccessful candidates. I do not consider them as losers; only that they did not make it this time.

I do know, in the long term, everyone is a winner.



Dan Kann
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Headhunter, and a management consultant interested in anything new.