Why My New Blog Isn’t on MediumI’ve started a new coding blog in December: Overreacted.Feb 17, 201911Feb 17, 201911
Making Sense of React HooksThis week, Sophie Alpert and I presented the “Hooks” proposal at React Conf, followed by a deep dive from Ryan Florence:Oct 30, 201865Oct 30, 201865
You Might Not Need ReduxPeople often choose Redux before they need it. “What if our app doesn’t scale without it?” Later, developers frown at the indirection Redux…Sep 19, 2016102Sep 19, 2016102
Asking Good QuestionsI receive programming questions on Twitter, GitHub, email, and other channels. I try to answer them when I can. Lately I haven’t been able…Jul 4, 201611Jul 4, 201611
React Components, Elements, and InstancesMany people get confused by the difference between components, their instances, and elements in React. Why are there three different terms…Dec 14, 201519Dec 14, 201519
How to Use Classes and Sleep at NightThere is a growing sentiment in the JavaScript community that ES6 classes are not awesome:Oct 10, 201528Oct 10, 201528
My InspirationToday I gave a talk on React Hot Loader, Redux, and the powerful developer tools that Redux makes possible. If you haven’t seen my talk…Jul 2, 2015Jul 2, 2015
The Evolution of Flux FrameworksThere has been no shortage of great Flux implementations, such as Flummox, Alt, or Fluxible. Most of them are focused on making Flux easier…May 30, 20155May 30, 20155
The Death of React Hot LoaderReact Hot Loader is my first JavaScript open-source project. It has enjoyed a tremendous response, and it has changed my professional life.Apr 21, 20155Apr 21, 20155