Confused about What to Eat? How to Find the Best Foods for YOUR Body

Dana Rozier
4 min readJan 7, 2019


You know you should be eating better.

While it’s a no-brainer you shouldn’t be eating raspberry cream cheese Danishes for your health, you wonder what you should be eating.

Fruits and vegetables are healthy, right?


Your friends who eat keto only eat certain fruits and vegetables. They don’t eat bananas but they do eat raspberries. They don’t eat sweet potatoes but they do eat broccoli.

So maybe some fruits and vegetables aren’t healthy after all?

And what about beef?

You’ve read that eating red meat increases your cholesterol levels.

However, your Paleo friends swear by organic, grass-fed beef for health. They wouldn’t touch brown rice, beans, and tofu.

But that’s what your vegetarian friends eat. And they seem to be thriving.

What gives?

How did food choices become so complicated?

Why is it so hard to know which foods are healthy and which are not?

You wish there was an easy way to know what foods you should be eating and which you should be avoiding.

Luckily, there is!

What is Your Gut Microbiome and Why Does it Matter?

Each of us has a unique community of small organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) that live in our digestive system.

This community of microbes is known as our gut microbiome.

Your gut microbes produce thousands of chemicals that affect your body.

Some of these chemicals are beneficial like vitamin B while others are harmful. Harmful chemicals can cause inflammation, which has been linked to heart disease, obesity, and depression.

To be at your best health, you should increase the number of microbes that are associated with good health and decrease the number of microbes that are associated with poor health.

So, how can you do that?

Turns out that you can moderate your gut microbiome by eating or avoiding certain foods.

A few years ago, there was no way to know what microbes lived in your gut and what foods would increase the good guys and decrease the bad guys.

But now there is.

Your Poop is a Valuable Tool

In order to discover which microbes live in your gut, you’ll need to get your microbiome analyzed.

Companies such as Viome, UBiome, and DayTwo can do that for you.

Once you decide on a company, you’ll order a sample-collecting-kit from them. The kit arrives in the mail and contains everything you need to collect, and then mail back, a very small sample of your poop.

I know. It sounds gross. I’ve sent in a couple of samples to Viome and honestly, it’s not as bad as it sounds.

I was willing to trade a few minutes of inconvenience to get a personalized food plan just for me.

Your results usually arrive within a couple of weeks.

A Personalized Food Plan Just for YOU

While your plan will be different than my plan, I’ll give you a peek at some of the foods Viome recommended for me.

Below is a partial list of my ‘superfoods’ — the foods that make my body the happiest.

Tapping a green information button allows you to find out why that food has been recommended.

Below is list of some of the foods I should avoid.

In addition to listing your unique superfoods and avoid foods, Viome also provides you with a list of foods and serving sizes for the following categories:

  • vegetables
  • proteins & fats
  • fruits & grains
  • herbs, spices & other

Here’s a short list of some vegetables and serving sizes recommended for me. Note that Viome recommends I eat 5 servings of vegetables a day. No problem!

Remember that Viome’s recommendations are just that — recommendations.

You might have a sensitivity to certain foods that Viome’s test can’t ascertain yet. You know your body the best, so feel free to pick and choose which foods from Viome’s list work well for you.

Eating Healthy is Easy…

Imagine never having to think about what foods you should be eating — or avoiding — anymore!

Imagine knowing what foods, and in what amounts, will make your body thrive.

You will be able to ignore all the diet advice out there.

You will be able to eat a wide variety of foods tailored to your unique body.

You will be amazed at how good you feel!

