Why Is Debbie Wasserman Schultz So Desperate To Get Her Hands On Her IT Staffer’s Laptop?

Dana A Deck
12 min readJun 16, 2017


Debbie Wasserman Schultz has a lot on her plate lately. The disgraced former Chair of the Democratic National Committee, responsible for rigging the Democratic Primary elections in favor of Hillary Clinton before the first vote was ever cast, is currently named in two class-action lawsuits in relation to the rigging of the primaries; she has dead attorneys showing up in her Congressional district in Miami, Florida, and two other dead men related to the DNC Fraud Lawsuit and the DNC email leak; and there is a laptop that is in the possession of the US Capital Police being held as evidence in an ongoing criminal investigation that she wants given to her really, really, really, really badly! Why is she so desperate to have it in her possession?

Lawsuits and Dead Bodies
First up on her plate is the DNC Fraud Class Action Lawsuit, filed against the Democratic National Committee and Debbie Wasserman Schultz by attorneys Jared Beck & Elizabeth Lee, of law firm Beck & Lee. The lawsuit alleges that the DNC and DWS improperly favored Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential election campaign throughout the entire primary process, essentially making it impossible for Senator Bernie Sanders (VT-I), or any other person running on the Democratic ticket, to win the primaries and become the party’s nominee.

o The lawsuit argues that the DNC violated its own charter (Article 5 Section 4) which states the chairperson of the party “shall exercise impartiality and even-handedness” between candidates running for president and their respective campaigns.
o The lawsuit also accuses the DNC of fraud, negligent misrepresentation, unjust enrichment, breach of fiduciary duty, and negligence. The plaintiffs are seeking repayment of their donations.
o The Lawsuit also includes the DNC’s mishandling of donor information in light of the DNC being hacked by unknown entities, and Guccifer 2.0, who is thought to have been murdered DNC staffer, Seth Rich.
o This class action lawsuit is against the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and any liable affiliated persons and entities.
o Shawn Lucas, the process server who delivered the legal papers of the lawsuit to the DNC, was found dead in his bathroom under questionable circumstances shortly after a video of his delivery of the papers was uploaded online.

The second class action lawsuit DWS is facing was filed by Justin Swidler of Cherry Hill, N.J. on behalf of 40 to 50 field organizers against the DNC, Pennsylvania state Democrats, and five other state Democratic Parties.

“These workers were out there in a campaign that was promising $15 an hour minimum wage and expanding the overtime rights of workers,” Swidler told CBS. He added the lawsuit seeks “fair pay for fair work” and to hold the Democratic Party accountable to the ideals it markets itself with. (The Washington Standard)

Dead Attorneys in Debbie’s Neighborhood
To add some more to her plate, there is speculation that the recent and untimely deaths of three prominent Miami attorneys in DWS’ district in South Florida may be connected to her and these class-action lawsuits, as well as an ongoing criminal investigation currently underway in Washington DC by the US Capital Police in a case regarding IT staffers employed by DWS and other House Democrats.

On May 24, 2017, Federal Prosecutor Bernanton J. Whisenant Jr., 37, was found on a Miami area beach with either a gunshot wound or a severe blow to the back of his head, which killed him. Whisenant worked for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Miami in its major crimes unit. He had joined the office in January, and court records show he had been handling several visa and passport fraud cases.

On June 5, 2017, Attorney Ervin Gonzales, 57, was found dead in his home, and they are thinking it was suicide. Gonzalez was a hugely successful Miami attorney, very much liked.

On June 9, 2017, Defense Attorney Naphtali Hertz Wacks, 57, was found dead on the side of the road from a suspicious hit and run crash.

These untimely deaths of these attorneys in the same district as the DNC Fraud Lawsuit case is especially troubling to attorneys Jared Beck and Elizabeth Lee, who asked the court for an Order of Protection, but it was denied. It is speculated that the death of Prosecutor Whisenant may have been a warning to the Judge who is presiding over the DNC Fraud Lawsuit case. Their lives are literally at risk.

Battle for the Laptop
As if her plate wasn’t heavy enough, now Debbie shows up in a video during the annual police budget hearing using her position on the House Appropriations Committee to intimidate and threaten the US Capital Police Chief as she demanded over and over again that he hand over a laptop computer that was found hidden in a crevice of the Rayburn House Office Building by the US Capital Police. DWS claims the laptop belongs to her, but it was found in a building where she had no office, and it actually belongs to one of her IT staffers, Imran Awan. Because the laptop belonged to Imran, the US Capital Police Chief refused to give DWS the laptop until the investigation is completed.

After she tries to Jedi Mind Trick him into handing the laptop over like a good droid for about 5 minutes or so, she resorts to openly threatening the Chief, telling him that by his not giving it to her, she believed his department was “violating the rules when you conduct your business that way and you should expect there will be consequences.”

Wow! Debbie REALLY wants that laptop! But why? What would she want with one of her IT staffer’s laptops, let alone want it so desperately? Well, as it turns out, the contents of that laptop may be the portion on her plate that is heavy enough to break it, because the staffer in question, Imran Awan, Debbie’s IT guy, and four other members of his family are the subjects of a criminal investigation by the US Capital Police Department for various charges of theft and possible violations of 18 US & 793 — Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information. Yeah, Imran and his Pakistani Awan family were into some pretty serious stuff. DWS obviously doesn’t want anyone to see what is on it. I can only imagine her reasons why!

So who is Imran Awan anyway?
Imran was the first of the five Awan Pakistani family members named in the criminal investigation to arrive in the United States from Pakistan to work as an information technology staffer in the House of Representatives. He and his family members were employed as “shared staffers”, which means they all worked as IT staffers whose salaries were combined together with part-time payments from multiple members of the House of Representative Democrats, with a result that the Awans appeared at one time or another on an estimated 80 House Democrats payrolls. (Daily Caller)

Imran began working in 2003 for Rep. Robert Wexler (FL-D) as an “information technology director” making $165,000 a year. He began working for Debbie Wasserman Schultz in 2005. Imran’s wife, Hina Alvi, came over from Pakistan in 2007 and was given a position working for the House Democratic Caucus. She has made more than $1 Million for her work. Imran has amassed over $2 Million for his work since 2003. Oh, and he knows DWS’ iPad password…

Imran’s brother, Abid Awan, arrived from Pakistan to Washington DC in 2005 and joined his brother as an IT staffer for the House of Representatives Democrats. He also managed one of the family’s side businesses, a car lot, Cars International A, LLC (or CIA) in Northern Virginia. Abid’s wife, Natalia Sova, arrived from Pakistan and joined the family and the congressional payroll in 2011. Abid has made $1.5 Million working for House Democrats, but filed bankruptcy in 2009.

The 3rd Awan brother to arrive from Pakistan, and the youngest at age 20, Jamal, began working with his other family members as an IT staffer making $161,000 a year, which happens to be 3 times the average salary of an IT staffer.

Another Pakistani who is thrown into the mix is Rao Abbas, an associate of the Awans to whom they owed money. When he threatened to sue them for deception and theft, Abbas suddenly appeared on the congressional payroll and received $250,000 a year. He is listed as the IT professional for former Democratic Representative Patrick Murphy, who was, at the time, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and its subcommittee on Department of Defense, Intelligence and Overhead Architecture, and the Subcommittee on the NSA and Cybersecurity. (Reddit)

Apparently they must have done an excellent job to have been so highly paid. In fact, a manager at a tech services company that works with Democrat House offices said he approached congressional offices, offering their services at one-fourth the price of the Awans, but they declined. In fact, the Awans were so popular with their House Democrat bosses that on March 22, 2016, eight Democratic members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence issued a letter requesting that their staffers be granted access to Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI). (Zero Hedge)

So Why Are the Awans Under Criminal Investigation?
Well, all 5 Awan family members are currently under criminal investigation by the US Capital Police for the following:
• Allegedly removing hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment from House members’ offices, including computers and servers
• Ran a procurement scheme in which they bought equipment, and then overcharged the House administrative office that assigns such contractors to members.
• Accessing House members’ computer network without their knowledge
• Transferring data to an external server they had set up with remote access so they could connect to the House network from wherever they were, and they had full access to everything in the House members’ system. House information has also been found in an external “cloud” server, where they were storing House-related information.
• They allegedly broke into 20 congressional offices. Some have speculated the reason for the break-ins was to hastily remove surveillance equipment they may have installed to spy on the Congress members after Hillary lost the election. Had she won, there would be no problem.
• They had access to everything because they are the ones providing the access to others. They also had special access to the White House and for Visas.
• They are accused of bypassing normal security protocols for IT staff — their Democratic bosses “vouched” for them and allowed the breech of policy “for the sake of convenience.”
• A House IT employee who requested anonymity said tech workers have taken over some of the offices once held by the Awans and found that computers in some — but not all — offices were “thin clients” that sent all data to an off-site server in violation of House policies. In addition, staffers’ iPhones were all linked to a single, non-government iTunes account. (Zero Hedge)
• The IT employee said that “The investigation goes far beyond the theft of millions of dollars. The employees could read all emails dozens of members of Congress sent and received, as well as access to any files members and their staff stored.” (Zero Hedge)
• The Awans were officers in Nanoset Technologies, a government contractor that sells IT equipment to the government while they were IT staffers for House Democrats.
• House IT aides fear the Awan brothers are blackmailing members with their own data.

Representative Paul Labrador of Idaho commented on the scope of the information that may have been stolen, saying, “This is pretty outrageous. These are people who had direct connections to the House, to intelligence information…. This is actually something that could directly affect the national security of the United States. (Daily Caller)

The Spectator notes: “Now, we don’t need to ask any of the obvious questions here — like for example whether Wasserman-Schultz gave the Awans an IT contract on the side for the DNC….
It seems self-evident of how much potential destruction these people may have caused if they happened to be stealing our national secrets and selling them to various buyers in the Muslim world.”

The Awans were initially blocked from being able to access the House computer network when the investigation began, but DWS changed their titles from IT Support to Senior Aids to bypass the block and return access to them. (Above Top Secret)

There is also a question of whether or not the Awans held the necessary requirements for the Visas they had from DWS “vouching for them”. Considering that murdered Prosecutor Beranton J. Whisenant Jr. just happened to be working on Visa and Passport fraud, this bit of information is quite serious.

What Now?
Well, the Awans have all fled back home to Pakistan and are now under the protection of the Pakistani Government. According to court documents, family says they have convinced Pakistani officials they are VIPs and travel the country with a police motorcade. Meanwhile, the US Capital Police investigation into the Pakistani family is still ongoing, and they do expect to issue arrest warrants in this case.

Something to Ponder
When one considers the charges that have been brought against them, it is important to know for whom the Awans were working and their positions on committees and sub-committees to understand the type and scope of information they were privy to and may very well have access to still today. The following is a list of some of the House Democrats the Awans worked for as IT staffers and their committee and sub-committee memberships:

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-D)
o On the House Committee on Appropriations
o Ranking Member of the Legislative Branch Sub-Committee
o On the State and Foreign Affair Operations Sub-Committee
Rep. Diana DeGette (CO-D)
o Ranking Member of the Sub-Committee on Oversight and Investigations
Rep. Dave Loebeck (Iowa-D)
o On the House Committee on Energy and Commerce
o On the Sub-Committee on Communications and Technology
o On the Sub-Committee on Energy
Rep. Tony Cardenas (CA-D)
o On the House Committee on Energy and Commerce (oversees the nuclear industry)
Rep. Robert Wexler (FL-D)
o On the House Committee on Foreign Affairs
o On the Sub-Committee on the Middle East and Asia
Rep. Andre Carson (IN-D)
o On the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Rep. Jackie Speier (CA-D)
o On the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Rep. John Sarbanes (Maryland-D)
o On the House Energy and Commerce Committee
Rep. Marcia Fudge (OH-D)
o On the Committee on Agriculture
o On the Committee on Education and the Workforce
Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY-D)
o On the Committee on Financial Services
o On the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Rep. Xavier Becerra (CA-D)
o On the Committee on Ways and Means
o On the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction
Rep. Tammy Duckworth (IL-D)
o On the Sub-Committee on Tactical Air and Land Forces of the Armed Services Committee
Rep. Lois Frankel (FL-D)
o On the House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Rep. Ted Lieu (CA-D)
o On the House Committee on Foreign Affairs
o On the Sub-Committee on National Security and Information Technology of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Rep. Joaquin Castro (TX-D)
o On the House Committee on Foreign Affairs
o On the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Rep. Cedric Richmond (LA-D)
o Ranking Member of the Terrorism and Cybersecurity Sub-Committee
o On the Committee on Homeland Security
Rep. Robin Kelly (IL-D)
o On the House Committee of Foreign Affairs
Rep. Gwen Graham (FL-D)
o On the Armed Services Committee
o On the Tactical Air and Land Forces Committee
Rep. Mark Takano (CA-D)
o On the Committee on Science, Space and Technology
Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY-D)
o On the House Energy and Commerce Committee
o Sits on the Bipartisan Encryption Working Group

Just imagine what kind of information they were able to access and steal from the House Democrats who employed them who served on the above committees and sub-committees! I hope Debbie is getting enough rest because she is about to be swept up into the hurricane of corruption she has created for herself. How she is still allowed to hold a public office boggles my mind!

Let’s hope she gets what she deserves in all of her messes, and that it happens soon.


















