Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Year Without Knocking on Doors

Dana Thomas
2 min readSep 30, 2021


It’s been one year since Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide adjusted their hallmark methods of sharing comfort and hope from the scriptures due to the pandemic.

In March 2020, the some 1.3 million Witnesses in the United States suspended their door- todoor and face-to-face forms of public ministry and moved congregation meetings to videoconferencing.

“It has been a very deliberate decision based on two principles: our respect for life and love of neighbor,” said Robert Hendriks, U.S. spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses. “But we are still witnesses and, as such, we must testify about our faith. So it was inevitable that we would find a way to continue our work.”

For many, the change from ringing doorbells and knocking on doors to making phone calls and writing letters expanded and invigorated their ministry.

It was nearly 34 years ago that Marla Edmondson, of Valley, AL, vowed to the Lord’s work as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Prior to the pandemic she was limited in her ability to go from door-to-door due to various health issues. During the pandemic, she has been more involved with reaching her neighbors by telephone and letter writing.

Marla says, “I use to get discouraged not being able to go from door to door because of my health. But now focusing on reaching my neighbors by telephone and letter writing I have found it to be much easier. I really feel like I am helping my community”.

She imagines that Witnesses will most likely resume their public ministry one day. However, Edmundson says, “I know I will always continue to use telephone witnessing to reach my neighbors as well, Page 1 of 2 because I have gotten so many great responses during the pandemic. Some have even reached out to me thanking me for sharing something encouraging with them.”

Nearly 51,000 people in the United States last year made a request for a Witness to contact them, either through a local congregation or, the organization’s official website, according to Hendriks. Since the outbreak, the Witnesses have followed up on these requests via letters and phone calls instead of in-person visits.

Witnesses have also made a concerted effort to check on distant friends and family — sometimes texting links to Bible-based articles on that cover timely topics, such as isolation, depression, and how to beat pandemic fatigue.

“Our love for our neighbors is stronger than ever,” said Hendriks. “In fact, I think we have needed each other more than ever. We are finding that people are perplexed, stressed, and feeling isolated. Our work has helped many regain a sense of footing — even normalcy — at a very unsettled time.”

For more information on the activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses, visit their website, with content available in over 1,000 languages.



Dana Thomas

Public Communications Representative for PID