Object.create() vs. Object.assign()

Dana C
2 min readAug 11, 2021


What are the differences from Object.create() and Object.assign()? Let’s explore!

Object.create() vs. Object.assign()
  1. Test for prototypal relationships


let dog = {
barks() {
console.log('woof woof');
let menno = Object.create(dog);
Object.getPrototypeOf(menno) === dog; // true
dog.isPrototypeOf(menno); // true


let dog = {
barks() {
console.log('woof woof');
let menno = Object.assign({}, dog);
Object.getPrototypeOf(menno) === dog; // false
dog.isPrototypeOf(menno); // false

2. Adding new property or method to a newly created object


let dog = {
barks() {
console.log('woof woof');
let menno = Object.create(dog, {
jumps: {
value: function () {
writable: false,
menno.jumps(); // jumping
menno.barks(); // woof woof


let dog = {
barks() {
console.log('woof woof');
let menno = Object.assign({}, dog, {
jumps() {
menno.jumps(); // jumping
menno.barks(); // woof woof

3. Access to methods up the prototypal chain


let dog = {
barks() {
console.log('woof woof');
let jackie = Object.create(dog);Object.defineProperties(jackie, {
swims: {
value: function() {
console.log('swimming swimming');
writable: false;
let menno = Object.create(jackie);
menno.swims(); // swimming swimming
menno.barks(); // woof woof


let dog = {
barks() {
console.log('woof woof');
let jackie = Object.create(dog);let menno = Object.assign({}, jackie);menno.barks(); // TypeError, menno.barks is not a function

4. Combine the deep cloning functionalities of Object.create() with the flexibility of Object.assign()

Object.assign(Object.create(obj), ...sourceObjs)

let dog = {
barks() {
console.log('woof woof');
let menno = Object.assign(Object.create(dog), {
swims() {
console.log('swimming swimming');
menno.swims(); // swimming swimming
menno.barks(); // woof woof

