Korean Drama Review: Night Has Come (2023)

The night has come. The mafia game will begin. Identify the mafia and begin to vote.

7 min readJan 22, 2024

I’m already back again for another review coming from South Korea series. I heard this series been talked quite a lot lately by others. This story tells about a class who suddenly forced to play mafia games during their retreat. Little did they know, the mafia games will turn into a chaos because it’ll realized into a real-life mafia games. While they need to survive, they alsos need to find who making this game or the mafia to end this game before they’ll killed in the night. Now the class running with their time before the time running out. It’s really interesing how we must guess who started this game while searching who’s the mafia. I like the concept they brought in this series. They make a suspense game into a real life game. It’s only an 12-episodes series and every episode only consists 30–40 minutes. So I can say that this series quite fast pace but still made the audiences mesmerized into this story. It’s a little hard for me to remember every character in this series because in the beginning, they still have many students in the class but following the pace they’ll introduce one by one character that have a bigger role in the future episodes. Just like another school related story, the main problem in the story still related to bullying.

How I found this series? To be honest I just see many people talked about it in Tiktok and Twitter so I just curious because I think I’ll like this kind of series. I really enjoyed it because I love thriller with mystery in it. If you can’t handle blood or gore scene, it’s hard to see this series because we can see how the characters here every night will be killed and it contains so many blood and violence. For me, I enjoyed the most for middle episodes because the tension was really high when the audiences need to guess who the police and the doctor is but the mafia just keep killing anyone every night. It’s thrilling to see who’s telling the truth and who manipulate the others. The good point is the mafia was revealed one by one. When the audiences think that there’s no more mafia, the plot twist came. But to make the story more excited, it also need a good villains to make this series more entertained. I can say they nailed it. They really manipulate others to save themself and to satisfy their needs. All I can say that no one is really kind enough in this series. Because to survive they need to eliminate 1 person every night. To be honest, I think they prefer to know who the bad guy is because it’s easier for them to vote who’s to eliminate in the night. They didn’t really want to know who’s the innocent one. It’s just so stressful when they didn’t know who the bad guy is and it’s really a shame when they thought one person was innocent but all this time this person is a mafia.

For the casts, my first impression was I didn’t really know about the casts until I just realize after several episodes the one who playing as Jiwon was the villain girl in The Penthouse, Choi Ye Bin. Her appereance here looks so different with her appereance as Eunbyeol in The Penthouse. Used to see her with long hair and her rage all the time, in Night Has come she has a calm personality and got a short hair. So I didn’t realize it was her at the first time. She also played as good character here so I need a couple of time to realized that it’s her. After I know her, I just think she must be have an important role in this series. I’m also impressed with actor who played as Dabeom. I think he steal the show. I can’t say too much but his acting here was stunned. He was bullied, but the truth he’s not that innocent and nerd as he looks. We can see his character development through every episodes. One thing I can say about him is ‘insane’. I’m not too attached with the lead female character. Not me saying she’s bad but I think she’s so-so in this series. Her character is a bit weak and confusing. It’s better if she got confidence and be more brave from the beginning. It’s not like she really bullied. She just get teased by her friend because she get close to the class leader and she hated it because she also like the guy. Although in the future episodes the character get better and still her character was the key into this mafia game. She’s a good person but she’s still not kind enough to save her friend.

Raise your hand if you have many questions when you watch this series. It’s me. I just questioning everything here. Every new episode just adding more question in my head. I can’t get an answer how this all makes sense like how they can play the game and chatting each other when they didn’t have network connection at all. The way how every student died every night. It’s just they were controlled by someone. This series already started with oddity with all things that makes no sense about the game, but still I didn’t expect the ending. Too many questions in my head that need to be answered but still makes no sense if one person designed this. How they killed every person in the night just makes no sense. But don’t worry it all makes sense when you reached the ending of this series. I see many people kinda disappointed with how they solve the ending, but I think this is the best plot to make this story and all weird things happened in the series keep makes sense. Maybe they can change a little to make it a more “happy ending”. Because all I can say is the students can’t get a freedom and just running in this mafia-game loops until I can’t know when.

As I’m writing this review, I just realized by seeing the poster and just understand the meaning of the poster. I don’t think I notice this when I still following the series in airing time. They already made a spoiler there, but still if you watch it by yourself it feels you can’t think clearly and feels like you are between the students have no idea who the bad person is. All I can say, everyone who’s there got their own important role.

If you enjoyed this kind of series, you can try watch Left On Read. It’s Chinese drama and all I can say the story pattern and concept kinda similiar but in that series they involved people from outside. They not playing a mafia games in that series because it occur in early 2000s, but it still have kinda similiar concept that threaten all students in the class. It involves with their phone and of course they controlled by who-knows what they are. I just can say the conclusion from this kind of series it’s all happening because of technology. It’s good that technology always developin all the time, but to be honest technology also can make our life threatened. In conclusion, just be kind to others. We don’t know what will happens in the future. For this kind of series, I can say the closure will quite the same. Don’t ask to give you more for this kind of series. It’s just a best ending they can give. You can’t get more explanation about all no makes sense that happening through the series but it’s enough. So my rating for this series is 3,5 stars out of 5 stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ✨!

“In the world my daughter created, you all must pay the price.”




like to review her binge watch collection, used to write here before active in Medium: http://nanachingu.tumblr.com