AL Sen Message Landscape

Dan Ancona
2 min readDec 14, 2017


A link dump for AL Sen ads. Contact Dan for Always Forward’s detailed report.

Jones Camp

Message: secure borders, strong military, pro 2A, anti abortion, Moore lies
“I want to go to DC to find common ground”
Ok, at least one ad was on a Dem issue
Targeting Republicans
This sparked a rather incredible amount of backlash

Dem IEs — Highway 31/Putnam TV Ads/Stand Up Republic

Full text of removed pre-roll ad: “If you don’t vote and Roy Moore — a child predator — wins, could you live with that? Your vote is public record and your community will know whether or not you helped stop Roy Moore. On Tuesday, December 12, vote for Doug Jones.”

Screenshots of video that was briefly available on facebook

Moore Camp & IEs

Nonpartisan/other data

