dan calma
9 min readAug 23, 2021

Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata is a widely known succulent due to its pleasing look as well as features. It has silvery-green vegetation with white bumps.

Those bumps appear like the appearance of a washboard right into where it obtains its typical name, “Fairy Ripped.” This succulent grows to form a rosette of triangular leaves. Its rosette can grow up to 4 inches but seldom produces more than that.

Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata additionally generates white blossoms that appear in its long thin stem in the summer season. It is additionally a low-maintenance plant and also simple to care for as well as grow. That is why this succulent is one of the best house plants.

Quick Facts

Scientific name: Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata

Common name: Fairy Washboard

Family: Asphodelaceae

Tribe: Aloeae

Genus: Haworthia

Origin: Cape District, South Africa

Flower color: White

Foliage color: Silvery-green

Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata Care Guide

Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata is a little bit fast-growing contrasted to various other Haworthias. It is reasonably a tiny succulent that can flourish even in winter.

This succulent is not sensitive; that is why it is simple to grow. You can create the Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata both inside your home or in an outdoors yard where it can get sufficient sunlight direct exposure.

Dealing with Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata is simple, particularly when you understand what it requires clearly to expand and prosper.

Watering Technique for Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata

In sprinkling your Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata, it is essential to have a certain watering timetable. Having damp soil for too long threatens for the plant.

As a result, having a strong watering routine will certainly help you keep in mind when is the right time to sprinkle your succulents. For the majority of Haworthias, when every two or 3 weeks is the watering timetable.

However it constantly depends on the period of the year and also the location where you grew the succulent. In summer season, watering your plant once every two weeks is required however much less constant in wintertime. Some also use the “saturate and completely dry technique.”

Tips: * Collect rainwater and also make use of that in watering your plant. Rain is helpful for the delicious as it consists of just adequate minerals.

* Do not sprinkle the plant’s fallen leave to stay clear of feasible fallen leave deteriorating.

Light Requirements

Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata loves the bright sun yet not from straight sunlight. It also prospers in partial color, yet it might not obtain its all-natural appearance.

Indoor — Placing Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata in a window sill is not a negative concept as long as it can obtain sunlight. When taken inside, it is best to put it in an east-facing or west-facing window.

Outdoor — Because Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata chooses bright light. Placing it outdoors would certainly be terrific. Simply see to it that the area is far from direct sunlight to prevent sunburning its leaves.


You can repot the Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata annually or after every two years. Repotting will aid the succulent have fresh and productive soil abundant with minerals that is really useful for the plant.

When repotting, make sure to eliminate all the previous soil mix on its roots to stay clear of moving the germs to its brand-new soil.

Soil Requirement

You can use a routine soil mix or cacti mix in growing Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata. As long as those soil mixes are fast-draining and also don’t retain water for as well long, they are good to utilize. If in case you do not trust fund prefabricated soil blends, you can always make your own. In doing so, you can refer to the chart below.

In gauging the active ingredients, you need to blend the following:

  • 3 components all-round potting soil mix
  • 2 components rugged sand (prevent making use of turface since it is composed of clay and helps water retention).
  • 1 part perlite or pumice.
  • A small amount of coconut coir.
  • Take note: Change the active ingredients as needed.

Hardiness and Temperature

Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata is not a cold-hardy succulent. It can’t stand up to freezing temperatures. That is why it is best to move this plant indoors in the winter season.

Fertilizing Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata

Feeding your succulent is a terrific suggestion, yet it is not required. Offering it a cacti plant food or a weak fertilizer throughout its growing period will certainly help the plant.


Remove the dead, broken, and also infected leaves quickly from the plant. Those type of fallen leaves are effects of bug infection, which is harmful not just for the healthy fallen leaves but additionally for the entire succulent.

In removing the infected leaves, make use of a clean scissor or knife as well as eliminate all parts of the contaminated fallen leaves.


Picking pots for the Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata is the most amazing part of expanding this succulent. You can pick from different designs as well as products.

However, be careful regarding what to choose because the life of your plant likewise relies on the pot. So, you may intend to consider the essential factors below.


Pots are made from different products, but you could be questioning what kind of material is the most effective for your Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata. Given that this succulent chooses cozy temperature and also intense light, pick pots made in products that can withstand warm temperature level.

The container ideal for your succulent is one comprised of plastic. Plastic pots can hold up against both cool as well as cozy temperatures, and also they are cheap and also light-weight also. Avoid utilizing pots made from steel and also timber. Metal pots soak up heat quickly, specifically when revealed to hot temperatures. On the other hand, wood pots tend to rot and also launch bacteria, which is damaging to Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata.

Drainage — Proper drainage is a concern to consider. The pot to make use of must have enough openings for water drainage. Poor drain will undoubtedly bring about water retention, as well as water retention causes root rot.

Pot size — Small succulents are for little pots; the same chooses mid-sized as well as large succulents. Planting small-sized succulents in a huge pot will give a great deal of room for the origin as well as cause a small plant.

On the other hand, planting a large-sized succulent in a small pot will not provide adequate area for the origins to expand, so they will likely be entangled. That is why choosing the best pot size is essential.

Succulent Arrangement

Planting Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata, along with various other succulents, is excellent, yet you must make note of the following:.

1. Group the Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata with succulents of the very same strength.
2. There have to be enough space for every single succulent as well as do not congest them.
3. Organize the succulents appropriately, based on their size.

Diseases,Causes,and Solution

Below are some typical troubles your Haworthia might come across:.

1. Problem: Root or leaf rot

Cause: Overwatering

Solution: Repotting is the vital to deal with origin rot. You require to get rid of the afflicted origins and replant the succulents to conserve them. After eliminating the affected origins, allow the origins create callous for a couple of days and then replant them. Do not utilize its previous soil as it might contain germs. Rather, utilize fresh and fertile soil. On the other hand, if the succulent is experiencing leaf rot, get rid of the afflicted fallen leave or leaves. It is necessary to remove every part of the fallen leave to stay clear of infecting various other healthy leaves.

2. Problem: Wrinkling and also completely dry leaves

Cause: Underwatering

Solution: Underwatering your plant is not a good idea. If your plant is experiencing this issue, adjust your watering routine. Make certain to supply sufficient water so your Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata leaves turn back to their initial form.

3. Problem: Sunburned fallen leaves

Cause: Excessive sunlight direct exposure in direct sunshine

Solution: Too much sun direct exposure results in sunburnt fallen leaves. Very carefully get rid of the damaged fallen leaves making use of a tidy knife or scissors. Put the succulentin an area where it can obtain brilliant light however far from straight sunlight.

4. Problem: Fading fallen leave shade

Cause: Not obtaining sufficient sun exposure

Solution: Move the delicious — Area the Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata in a deep shade location where it can’t obtain adequate sunlight exposure. That is why its environment-friendly leaves gradually shed their color. For that reason, you must place it in an area where it can obtain enough sun exposure.


Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata is non-toxic to humans and also animals.

Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata during winter

The first thing you require to do when wintertime comes is to move your Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata inside your home.

Since it hardly ever obtains sufficient sunlight exposure throughout this period, you need to give substitute light such as grow lights. Making use of such will help your succulent grow also without sunshine.

You can additionally make use of a plant cover to maintain your succulent away from bugs. Take note as well that during this time, Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata only need minimal watering. When a month will suffice.

Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata Propagation

There are 3 key methods on how to recreate Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata. Below is the detailed process on just how you can circulate this gorgeous succulent.

Through leaf cuttings

1. Utilizing a clean scissor or blade, reduced healthy and also developed fallen leaves from a grown Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata.

2. Allow the cuttings create unsympathetic for couple of days.

3. Prepare a shallow planting container and also filled it with fast-draining soil mix.

4. Lay the cuttings as well as provide sufficient water as well as sunlight direct exposure.

5. After they have actually expanded roots, you can plant them individually in their pots.

Through offsets

  1. Remove the offsets from the mom plant.

    2. Let the roots form unsympathetic for couple of days.

    3. After the roots are calloused, prepare a shallow growing container and loaded it with fast-draining soil mix.

    4. Plant the offsets separately into their brand-new pots.

    5. Last but not least, wait on one week prior to sprinkling the newly planted succulents.

    Propagating Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata through seeds…. 1.Safeguard a high quality Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata seeds.

    2. Prepare a seed planting container as well as filled it with fast-draining soil mix.

    3. Spread out the seeds and see to it that there is enough space between them.

    4. Do not cover the seeds with soil, as well as make certain to offer them sufficient sunlight as well as water.

    5. After the origins, you can now grow them into their new pots.

    Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata attracts attention amongst the remainder because of its distinctive appearance. It is not a complicated plant to expand, which is a plus point also. However in spite of that, it also requires care. And that is what this short article offers you. Satisfied planting!

