Exposing the U.S Intelligence Community and GCHQ’s Use of “Dirty Tricks” Online — An Analysis

Dancho Danchev
8 min readDec 23, 2019

It should be fairly easy to assume that the prominent U.K’s Intelligence Agency — the GCHQ — is both a master of offensive and defensive CNE (Computer Network Exploitation) tactics including the active use of network and Internet-host based including connected devices “dirty tricks” online. Largely relying on both an old-school set of espionage techniques successfully migrated in today’s modern Internet-connected World including innovative and never-seen before type of technical and cyber espionage “know-how” and Cyber Assets SIGINT type of discovery including technical expertise the GCHQ continues to further master the Internet for the purpose of exfiltrating and targeting individuals and Communities-of-Notice internationally.

In this post I’ll discuss in-depth the inner workings of GCHQ’s Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG)’s use of “dirty tricks” online and the group’s activities including the fact that what the group has managed to achieve is pretty much basically what I’ve managed to achieve in my Security Lab throughout 2008–2013 for both offensive and defensive Cyber Warfare purposes in terms of R&D…



Dancho Danchev

Cybercrime Researcher OSINT Analyst Security Blogger Threat Intelligence Analyst DNS Threat Researcher WhoisXML API — https://ddanchev.blogspot.com