Dan Nguyen
1 min readDec 17, 2015


What is the extent of the reading you’ve done on the development of XML and JSON? I mean, I know those topics are boring, but do you really assume that XML was made by some bored asshole who wanted to troll his USENET friends? That the JSON standard was invented in a Brooklyn hackathon? That before either of these formats came around, the inhabitants of Earth were blissfully and sending each other texts and data before the Babel fish went extinct? Instead of just claiming that “Really, we are not even aware of the mess we’re in”, as if the engineers who had input on these standards, and the engineers who implement them in systems we take for granted…just say that you and apparently all of your coworkers aren’t aware of the bigger picture in software development. And then follow up with maybe a couple of things about JSON/XML/whatever that are such obviously egregious examples of how ad-hoc and pointless everything in software development has been.



Dan Nguyen

Computational Journalism at Stanford University. Former investigative journalist @ProPublica. Pho always.