vrbtm.co development stream | Week II

Nick Dandakis
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2016

Terms & Conditions, privacy policy, about page, content downloading, approval and refactoring.

Not sure what this is, start here with our README, or catch up on last week, vrbtm.co development stream | Week I.

Documenting your stream of consciousness is powerful. I haven’t touched this codebase in a week but I can quickly skim through last week’s stream and get familiar with where I left off. Always end your stream with what you plan on doing next. Pretty sure that’s a tip for whatever you write.

Wes and I met up irl for the first time since starting the build. Shoutout to the Ace Hotel lobby that puts up with a bunch of people that want a place to work for free. Great vibes, alright music and amenities (mainly free WiFi, not-free food and drank). We were planning on recording our conversation, but it’s too noisy to do that here. Talked about a good amount of stuff though:

  • What constitutes a prototype or MVP for this
  • Pricing plan (flexible pay-as-you-go vs fixed per-month-per-seat)
  • Deadlines and scheduling
  • Intricacies in the codebase

Before diving into where I left off, I’m going to get a couple of quick wins in. Wes has provided me with content for the Privacy and Terms & Conditions pages. As well as a mockup of what the Contact and About pages should look like. Going to get these out of the way.


Ain’t nothing but a G thang, baby

The above was just dropping in text, modifying it to HTML (with <h2>/<h3>, <p> tags) and some light styling work. That request form doesn’t work yet. Going to wire that up later when I make the screen for going pro (upgrading).

Moving ahead to styling the content detail page. Made another SASS file called ContentDetail.scss and dumped it in imports/ui/styles. This is getting too messy.

➜  vbmvp git:(master) ✗ tree imports/ui/styles
├── About.scss
├── Contact.scss
├── ContentDetail.scss
├── FilePicker.scss
├── Footer.scss
├── Header.scss
├── Index.scss
├── Pricing.scss
├── Privacy.scss
├── TermsAndConditions.scss
├── TextInput.scss
├── Upgrade.scss
├── base.scss
├── normalize.scss
└── variables.scss
0 directories, 15 files

Going to add some more structure to this with subdirectories for global, component and page styling.

➜  vbmvp git:(master) ✗ tree imports/ui/styles
├── components
│ ├── FilePicker.scss
│ ├── Footer.scss
│ ├── Header.scss
│ └── TextInput.scss
├── global
│ ├── base.scss
│ ├── normalize.scss
│ └── variables.scss
└── pages
├── About.scss
├── Contact.scss
├── ContentDetail.scss
├── Index.scss
├── Pricing.scss
├── Privacy.scss
├── TermsAndConditions.scss
└── Upgrade.scss
3 directories, 15 files

Updated references to these files and it’s much better. This is the kind of shit you need to do to keep your codebase alive and well.

Anyway, back to the Content Detail component. FileStack has an exporting function that shows the same dialog as uploading such that you can not only download to your machine, but also transload to a number of services.


Got some basic layout work in and it’s starting to look like something. I did bring up some UX issues that Wes and I have no idea how to fix. This is something we need to focus on after we get a feature complete prototype. Up next, the approval mechanism. That’s basically an entry in the Content collection document that’s a simple boolean switch for now.


Still need to render videos and plaintext content. Also need a confirmation mechanism for approvals and email notifications for everything. Wes and I just covered what emails need to get sent and that’s basically two emails for every action — request, approval, rejection. Oh, need to also add a Reject button. Can’t forget about the MailChimp integration work that needs to go into the About page and our Pro offering.

WakaTime is 3hrs 18mins.

Read the other half of this week with Wes’ VRBTM Initial Marketing | Week II.

vrbtm.co development stream | Week III

We’d love to hear from you…
Get in touch at Founders@vrbtm.co, talk with us on twitter @vrbtm.co, and read our story on medium.

Wes Jones is on Twitter @WesJonesCo
Nick Dandakis is on Twitter @Dandakis

Join our email list for Beta access.



Nick Dandakis
Editor for

These hands make digital projects finish. Previously @Token_AI, @bigspaceship.