Daneel — Year 2020

Daneel Assistant
6 min readMar 24, 2020


Hey Hey Hey Daneeler’s !

First, we hope that you and your loved ones are safe, protected from the epidemic and that you are all healthy. The Daneel team necessarily supports all those who are mobilized to fight this epidemic and continue to keep the global economy moving in these difficult times.

Secondly, in these very complicated times from time immemorial,, we would like to share some of the reasons why we have been so quiet with our announcement channel during the last few months. One of the main reasons is that we received a number of complaints asking to stop sending emails for small progress or news so we decided to keep them to a minimum in order to be less invasive.

Additionally, the team has been really busy dealing with few received proposals of buying out Daneel technology and also an interesting partnership with a Japanese lab to interchange and implement our market sentiment technology on different sectors. Both things are really promising for the company’s evolution and future.

On the other hand, we would like to also take this opportunity to share with you our progress and plan for this 2020. Please see below:

1 — Verticalization of Daneel on important topics: politics, traditional finance, start-up investment :

What is Daneel’s verticalization?

As you know, we have developed Daneel in the field of Blockchain and crypto-currencies in order to answer a very important issue of the news, the real, the fake but especially the right one at the right time.

Today, we have managed to demonstrate a certain know-how and it is time to deploy Daneel on new sectors to expand our vision of becoming a worldwide used app and platform in different markets and sectors, not only blockchain. This decision was made after lots of meetings with important players where the common request was to expand the power of Daneel to new fields where A.I will revolutionize the future. We are definitely in the right place at the right moment, we have no doubt of that.

2 — Application on Apple Watch

The development of the application for Apple Watch is progressing well. We are encountering problems with Apple’s validation to be available on the Apple Store, but we are working with them. You will soon be able to receive notifications and other information on your wrist to stay constantly alert about the market.

3 — Mobile Application 2.0 with subscription cancellation and new application without chatbot

Joseph, our favorite designer, is working hard to make the mobile application more dynamic and better. More fluid, simpler, more focused on the user and their needs, many things will evolve. The chatbot, unused, will disappear to air the application.

Regarding the subscription, we will also remove it from the mobile application for obvious reasons. Following various discussions with investment funds, the advice is to accumulate a maximum number of users in order to become the number one downloaded application in blockchain and other future markets. We dream big, work hard and we will persevere to achieve our goal.

4 — Optimization of the Daneel score & Daneel AI Sentiment analysis

As you know, artificial intelligence requires continuous improvement. Our technical team is currently working on optimizing our different algorithms. With the evolution of the market, changing trends, the return of investors and scams, many things have changed. That’s why we continue our development and research to improve Daneel.

A Japanese laboratory (Japanese Hitachi Research) has also contacted us to take our research to the next level and to partner with researchers in the fight against fakes-news. Great times ahead.

5 — Listing Bancor & HitBTC

The fateful moment. The listing!

Let’s put things back in order. No, we didn’t ask to be delisted from HitBTC. Yes, we’ve complained to them thousand times about the way things happened. It was a total surprise to us HitBTC deslisting as this was never communicated to us. We know they have a particular way to operate the exchange where changes are never announced (exorbitant withdrawal fees, etc) but desilting us without reason or communication is something our lawyers are looking to change. We will keep you all informed about this.

Let’s now talk about Bancor: we closed our Bancor node following various requests from our users in order to avoid further problems (exchange problems, price problems, etc.). After several exchanges with them, we managed to set up a new more efficient node that we wish to redeploy soon. Once the deployment is settled, we will also keep you informed.

For the other listing subjects, we can tell you that we have already contacted all possible exchanges to try to list Daneel. However, after all this HitBTC issue, we are now more interested to work with decentralized exchanges and as you might know Jarvis, our partner, is now live. So we’ll be listed when the time is right and we’ll be working with a real partner.

6 — Progress update on NEM

We have been working really hard behind the scenes together with NEM. The widget has been already installed but we are still customizing the newsfeed to meet our partner’s expectations.

At the same time, the integration has been progressing on both sides with only 1 more thing left to do, the integration of their RSS feeds to allow all NEM members to be at the heart of the project whilst being at the heart of the news, the real news! Our technical team is working full steam on this.

Once the implementation is finished and the widget live, we will keep you informed so you can have a look and even try it out!

7 — DAN Token

Our DAN Token, the one everyone’s talking about.

Where are we? The current price of the token is: 0,0015€.

As the bear market has already impacted quite a lot the stock market and also our user community, we have suffered a drastic drop in the price like the 99% of the tokens out there. However, Unlike of the 99% of the collapsed tokens, our company is still open, our product is still live and available for everyone, and most importantly, our team is more committed than ever to succeed. Bear with us guys.

What will become of our token? With the reactivation of the Bancor node, it will become exchangeable for everyone simply and it should not impact the price negatively anymore.

As HitBTC is no longer active, our Bit4you partner remains available for people living in Europe. Another one of our partners who will also soon be live and decentralized, will also complete our offer for exchanging DANs.

Concerning its price, what’s new? Unfortunately as you know, we cannot control the price of DAN. Moreover, the company and the various employee-partners are and will be holding their stack as our future is bright.

We are also working with some of our ambassadors to propose a new model for the use of the tokens. When the company was founded and White Paper was created, the model was to allow payment for the subscription and a lot of things through it. Unfortunately, the evolution of the market and all the unforeseen events forced us to change this model. Please have in mind that out of every 100 payments on the mobile application only 1 was processed using DAN. Hope you can now understand why we had to adapt our business model to suit the market conditions.

We know and believe about the future of our project. We have a promising year ahead with plenty of work and progress.

Let us hope that once the crisis is over, we will all come out of this terrible moment stronger and everything will be better for everyone. Even though, frankly, the economy is going to take a very big hit and it is going to be more than very hard to get out of it.

We think very highly of all of you and we still have our full support.

Stay tuned Daneeler’s !

Daneel Team.

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Telegram: t.me/DaneelCommunity
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daneelproject
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/11348931/
Github: https://github.com/project-daneel

