Daneel’s Team Unveiled

Daneel Assistant
Daneel Corporate
Published in
10 min readJun 16, 2018

Since the ICO, many things changed and our team has evolved: some service providers have completed their contracts and other talents have joined our team. Here’s an updated overview of the key members of Daneel by department:

For the Management Team

Joseph Bedminster — CEO and Founder

Specializing in software engineering, Joseph has previously worked for companies and startups in France on a freelance basis. In 2015, he co-founded the startup, Bonanza and assumed the position of Chief Technical Officer. Renowned for its matching algorithm, the service makes it possible to efficiently link companies with students looking for positions. The company soon won over the French public and is currently in a phase of international expansion. Joseph was subsequently hired as a manager in a research and innovation laboratory. Responsible for making prototypes for companies, his work has led him to explore the areas of Artificial Intelligence, conversational assistant technologies, and Big Data. His background has allowed him to work with companies such as IBM, discovering Watson’s services, and also to collaborate with Microsoft. Passionate about cryptocurrency, he dreamt of an assistant system capable of responding to user requests using natural language. In 2017, he decided to embark on the adventure of creating the company Daneel Assistant.

Fabien Ducoudray — Brand and Marketing Director

Fabien joined Daneel’s team from the beginning. As an enthusiast of new technologies, the Blockchain quickly caught his attention. He immediately saw the potential in Daneel’s work. As an engineer dedicated to improve his work on customer experience feedback, he’s grown his expertise into various fields. Such as product improvement and innovation. With his widespread network of entrepreneurial partners, he’s able to give confidence in the importance of the projects he leads. He’s now in charge of marketing and public relations, new investors and VCs.

Harold Kinet — Communication Director

With an international background, Harold started his career in the Defense & Security sector as a journalist and marketing manager for a well-regarded communication agency specialized in cutting-edge technologies for security. After leaving the Security sector, he joined the Belgian joint venture WOW Group involved in wave generators and industrial technology. As marketing manager at WOW Company (wave generators), he acted as international tradeshow manager and media planner for the largest attractions fairs in USA, Middle East, Europe and Asia. After going around the world, Harold got involved in the “CryptoSphere”, firstly as an investor, and then as a member of Daneel’s team. He truly believes in the convergence between Artificial Intelligence and decision-making which will allow investors to save time with an all-in-one solution.

For the Technical Team


Nicolas Surleau, is passionate about innovation and new technologies above all. He founded his first startup on the school benches: Wonderbot, a network of intelligent micro-robots for home usage. His training as a general engineer led him to possess diverse and varied knowledge, particularly on the subjects of artificial intelligence and machine learning. He also spent a year working at IES, a leader in fast charging terminals, as a project manager.

Benjamin MARLE — Machine Learning Developer

Benjamin is our Data Science expert specializing in various technical fields such as data analysis, machine learning and data processing. He has worked in various fields (banking, marketing, health, sport, geomarketing), and easily adapts to the problems specific to each sector of activity. He develops machine learning and deep learning systems in python (cafe, tensorflow), and is responsible for price and trend prediction models, as well as for data classification and reliability.

Guillaume GUERIN — Blockchain developer

Guillaume has had the opportunity to work on large projects related to the Ethereum Blockchain. One example is the prototyping of a private network based on energy exchange and self-regulation (SUNPAY), as well as the development of a mobile application for the transfer of ERC20 tokens (an open-source project). He is a back-end developer with a keen interest in cryptocurrencies. With his skills in mobile and web development and his Blockchain experiences, Guillaume is in charge of the structures of the mobile applications for Daneel’s iOS and Android services.

Henri FARDEAU — Fullstack Developer

Winner of the Web, Linux, iOS hackathons and a favorite of the big data hackathon, Henri is passionate about blockchain and cryptocurrency. He specialized in video game programming on Unity and founded his own studio in the past. He joined the Daneel’s team as a Fullstack Developer willing to put his talents to the realization of an extraordinary product.

Hugo ARNAUD — Fullstack Developer

Passionate about computer science, fond of new technologies and cybersecurity, and therefore with a keen interest in the blockchain as well as cryptocurrency and all that surrounds it. He also enjoys keeping his skills sharp by participating in various hackathons.

For the Community Management Team

Mohammed KAMAL DARWISH / @MoParadox— Arabian and general community manager

A former web developer at the biggest ISP in Egypt and the Middle East, Mohammed is also a crypto geek, cyber security consultant and an economist. He is responsible for the community management, provides product development insights, and offers useful management expertise.

Our Advisors

Christophe GUITTET — Manager at IBM Watson and Cognitive Business Solutions

Christophe began his career as a consultant at IBM in the “Strategy & Transformation” consulting department. After spending three years working on innovative projects, he joined the IBM Watson French team at its inception, developing his expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive solutions: NLP / NLU, conversational, visual recognition, smart search etc. Passionate about cognitive science, philosophy of language, semiology and neuropsychology, he is now in charge of managing Watson teams and delivering strong cognitive projects for IBM’s major industry customers. In February 2018 he has been recognized as one of “the 100 French people who matter in Artificial Intelligence” by Usine Nouvelle (a french tech and innovation specialist). Christophe has joined Daneel as an IBM Watson advisor.

Jean Michel BILLAUT — Founder of L’atelier BNP Paribas, entrepreneur

Considered “a guru” of the Internet, Jean Michel was a forecast analyst for the Compagnie Bancaire (which will merge with Paribas). His story is amazing: he borrowed a Minitel from the DGT to connect this data terminal to bank servers and invented a concrete application (credit agreement in 10 minutes instead of the usual 10 days) for merchants. In 1978, he created the Atelier Compagnie Bancaire, a technology watch and analysis centre for new technologies. As early as 1983, Cetelem used Minitel on its advice to develop credit card payment applications. He helped launch a large number of websites in the 1990s, which has given birth to its nickname: the “guru” of the Internet. He received the title of “Knight of the Legion of Honour” at the end of 2000. He is known for his “billautshows” which are interviews of French internet personalities that he regularly publishes on his blog. In April 2010, he was elected Personality of the Year by the Association for Online Commerce and Services (ACSEL). For several years, he has participated in numerous conferences on digital economy, where he often acts as a futurist. Additionally, he was among the 16 qualified, as a presidential candidate under the initiative for LaPrimaire.org in 2016.

Jonathan FIANU — Director at PredictX (A.I), entrepreneur

Jonny is the EMEA Director at PredictX and is responsible for new business and sales activities within the EMEA and ROW region across multiple sectors. He brings a wealth of experience from a range of international markets, with the most recent being Russia, where he was the Investor Relations Consultant for a new IT City in the Russian regions. Previously, Jonathan has operated in a diverse range of industries and sectors including innovative technologies, renewable energy, commodities, and retail, alongside ongoing involvement in the diplomatic and humanitarian spheres. Since graduating from York University, where he gained a degree in Economics, Econometrics and Finance, he has launched and operated businesses in Africa, Asia, Europe and Russia. Jonathan was the winner of Esquire magazine’s prestigious Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2008. PredictX delivers big data, machine learning, and decision automation services to data-reliant industries, in particular financial services, procurement, retail, travel and healthcare. Using embedded intelligence and data visualisation technology, PredictX continuously drives cost savings, operational efficiencies and revenue growth.

Will BRYANT — Director at American Express

Will is the Director of Global Platform Solutions at American Express. In his current role, he focuses on delivering a Global Digital Dining Platform Solution for over 100 million Amex Users and Merchants around the world. This involves building cross-border partnerships, App development, API integrations, SLA’s, digital payments, defining the Product, planning market rollout and navigating international regulation. Will has worked across Finance, Asset Management, Technology and Startup businesses with experience in Business Development, Marketing, Product development, Relationship Management and building Leadership teams. His most recent Startup involvement was as Head of Operations for CAKE Technologies which was acquired by American Express in October 2017. Will acts as an Advisor & Non-Executive Director on various startup Boards where he helps to define the strategy, overcome blocks and ensure the Product and Team is built to scale and ultimately setup for success.

Vidal CHRIQUI — Blockchain specialist, Inventor of ERC808 (Ethereum protocol)

Graduated from Ecole des Mines de Paris, Vidal specialized in big data and distributed systems which led him to work very early on, with Bitcoin and later on Ethereum, showing a strong expertise in micropayment channels. Fascinated by the Bitcoin protocol which he found a masterpiece of computer architecture, mixing technical and economic considerations, he launched “Blockchain Révolution”. That is the first free French-speaking video series about bitcoin and blockchain, offering hours of exclusive lessons and interviews. Vidal is a regular speaker at blockchain conferences and a lecturer at French Grandes Ecoles. Vidal has also been working as a technical advisor to successful token sales (> 50M€), contributing to smart contracts writing or review, whitepaper writing and tokenomics design.

Pierre FERTOUT — Teacher at ESSEC, Founder at StartupStudio

A dedicated “Strategeek”, passionate about Cryptocurrencies and blockchain applications, Pierre spent 5 years working as Strategy & Management Consultant for Stanwell Consulting. He worked for the top management of the most prominent financial institutions of France before joining Sodexo as a Digital Project Manager in 2015, working with 36 Countries. Since 2015, Pierre has been a teacher at ESSEC Business School (ranked Business School #2 in Finance) for the Advanced Master Strategy & Management of International Business (ranked #4 worldwide) and he has supervised the writing of 35 theses, including five about the Blockchain. In May 2017, Pierre has co-founded Startupstud.io (Start Up creation accompaniment) and participated in the development of seven startups in different areas, among others, A.I. and Blockchain. Pierre has joined Daneel to bring all his energy to the Partnership team.

Konstantin DENISENKO — CTO at Cryptorobotics

An automation engineer by training, CTO at CryptoRobotics, lead developer and software architect with 12 years of experience, Konstantin has many areas of expertise including financial technology client-server applications, web and mobile applications, web-oriented projects, business process automation systems. He will help us on different aspects of product development.

Alexandre LACOUR — CTO at SOMEFLU / Advisor & mentor at IONIS361 — French startup incubator

A graduate in computer engineering from EPITECH, Alexandre spent six years as a CTO at SOMEFLU, a leading company in the centrifugal pump industry. In charge of IT architecture from 2005 to 2011, he then became executive director of the company in January 2011. Diversifying his activities, he also became a partner at CTO-Partners, and provided advice to startups in the French ecosystem. Since January 2017, he has become a mentor and advisor for the IONIS361 business incubator in Paris, France. He mainly works as an expert in fields related to data processing in companies: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Bringing his contacts and his knowledge to the project’s cause, he is our principal technical adviser.

Jean-Hugues LAURET — Serial-Entrepreneur (energy, telco, blockchain)

A graduate of the University of California in Computer Systems and Telecommunications, Jean Hugues worked for major national telecommunications groups (Orange Group) and subsequently held a role of Director of Development and Innovation at SVP (SAP ERP). An entrepreneur since 2001, he founded multiple companies in France, UK, Switzerland and the United States in the fields of new technologies. In 2010, he became head of the innovation division of the prestigious French school MinesTélécom and conducts research in the fields of Cloud and Big Data. Since 2016, he has been president of the Connect Territories group, and has accompanied startups on Blockchain, IoT, and renewable energies.

Selim RINAZ — R&D Lead Developer @Etna Co Labs, Technical Advisor

As an experienced developer, Selim is passionate about artificial intelligence and autonomous systems. With his experience as a software developer and project manager, he has successfully implemented complex systems for large groups and developing startups. Having become an expert in the design of chatbots for the health sector. Selim has designed automated systems for large world-class groups that are capable of communicating with a multitude of sensors and users simultaneously. Demonstrating rapidly his ability to master Blockchain and Ethereum technologies, he has come on board as our software solution architect.

Stay tuned:

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LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/11348931/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Daneel_Project/

