Top 3 Land Buying Questions You Must Know Before Buying a Property


Looking for a land to build your first home seems to be exciting. But, you should be aware of the things before finalizing your buying decision. Do you think you will get the exact land that you are looking for?

Here are the top 5 questions you should ask before making your property buying decision.

1. Are the boundaries accurately marked on site?

It’s one of the most crucial facts that the property lines should be marked on the site. You can find easily that the boundaries are marked with long flags or sticks which can be seen from a distance. In most of the urban areas, you can understand the boundary lines easily with the neighborhood structure. Make sure that the real estate consultant makes you convinced of it.

2. Ask about CC&R’s (Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions)

The most commonly used in the real estate term — CC&R’s which regulates the use, maintenance and appearance of the property. It often refers to the restrictions what the property owner can do on the property.

The most common restrictions for the land buyers includes minimum home square footage. The main restrictions may be the design of your home. If you but a part of the land which are subdivided to many individuals may have design restrictions by the landowner about the cohesive look.

3. What are all the utilities available in the particular area?

You should have knowledge about the utilities existing in the area and what are all that need to be provided by your end. The most common utilities are

• Power: Ask the area local company about the power connection for your house and make sure that there are no issues with it.

• Gas: If its natural gas from the city or country, you should know how to get connections or you may use propane tanks for your needs.

• Telecom: Find the available options like mobile network, phone, television cable, internet connections and others.

There are most of the other considerations which will be differed according to the buyer’s needs.

Make a perfect decision by asking these type of questions before making up with your land buying decision. Danelle Hunter, the professional real estate consultant can help you with your perfect decision making.

Stay tuned to get more ideas in the field of real estate and Danelle Hunter is glad to help you with all of your real estate needs.



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