This useful thing to read, What is Blockchain, Crypto ??, Cafe-Coin and what it does! ,

8 min readOct 1, 2018

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Dear readers who are interested in blockchain, big investors, the crypto community, people who buy .v.v.

- To the world today, more and more developed, and everything we control, we are constantly developing and progressing.

- The advancement that is 4.0 today, it helps us perform in a quick and short way, shorten the time people spend and elimination of energy is not effective.

- And top tech 4.0 is blockchain

Concept for beginners
, learn about it ?? What is Blockchain? ,

- What is Blockchain? Blockchain is a technology that securely transfers data based on a very complex coding system, similar to a company's accounting ledger, where cash is closely monitored. In this case Blockchain is an accounting ledger operating in the digital domain.

- Blockchain owns a very special feature that is the transmission of data does not require an intermediary to confirm the information. The Blockchain system has many independent nodes that can authenticate information without requiring a "sign of trust". The information in Blockchain can not be changed and only be added with the consent of all nodes in the system. This is a high security system against the possibility of data theft. Even if part of the Blockchain system collapses, the computers and other nodes will continue to protect the information and keep the network going.

- Blockchain technology can be said to be a combination of the three technologies below:

-Encryption: Use public key and hash function to ensure transparency, integrity and privacy.
Peer-to-Peer Network: Each node in the network is considered a client and also a server for storing application replicas.
-Game theory: All nodes involved in the system must comply with the rules of consensus (PoW, PoS ...) and motivated by economic incentives.
- From a business perspective, it can be called an accounting ledger, or a database containing assets, or a data structure, that records asset histories between members of a network. in the same level.

- On the corner of the numbers that is a any method method to save the history of the resource transactions.

- On the network level is a current icon, which is used to setup the information with the rule rule between users in a system level.

The idea came out :

- Derived from the Byzantine Generals problem in computer science and reliable line processing in a hierarchy.

- Contents of the problem description: An army to occupy the city and the generals located in various positions. In it there are N loyal generals who want to take over the city, and the betrayed M who want to withdraw their troops. A traitorous hero communicates to a group that he is attacking and communicating with the other group. So how can the generals be able to consistently inform and take over together? Just a negligence in the transmission of information can cause the entire army can be destroyed.

This Byzantine by the following Time does not have any given. Do it we need to a third party for building. Ví dụ as in the accounting on, requires a second party out to provide the agreement to the namespace namespace, if the general guard to the left will be discarded. Inner third đảm bảo cho việc sử dụng thành phần của các tướng quân là đồng loạt, bởi vì các tướng quân không thể khác nhau, nhưng bắt buộc phải tin tưởng tuyệt đối vào điều thứ ba.

This is the beginning of the start block for the Blockchain system can be able to be able to be the trust locations.

After the last year of the 2008, the system of the main of the crash of the user of the lost people of the trust of a second trust. Ý tưởng về Bitcoin — one peer cross level on the network server first given Satoshi Nakamoto, also the first application of Blockchain.

Blockchain’s operational principle :

Bitcoin: The first Blockchain application
The most well known and discussed topic about Blockchain technology is Bitcoin. Currently, this electronic currency can be used to exchange products and services, like the US dollar (EUR), Euro (EUR), Chinese Yuan (CNY) and other currencies. in other countries. So we will take this currency as representative to talk about the principle of operation of Blockchain technology.

“Bitcoin is actually the first application of blockchain technology that allows us to send a digital asset via the internet to another user on the Internet, and this transaction is secured. It’s safe and secure, everyone knows that this money transfer has taken place and no one can intervene and intervene or modify the process, “said Marc Andreessen.

Bitcoin is a digital currency with the BTC code, just like the US dollar itself does not carry value, it’s only worth it because there is a community that agrees to use it as a trading unit. goods and services.

To track the number of Bitcoins that each owner owns in certain accounts and track the transactions arising therefrom, we need an account book, in this case it is blockchain and this is actually is a digital file that tracks all Bitcoin transactions.

This is the basic map for the users for find, but it does not fully enough and basic, please look at google! :)

Crypro concept, followed by CAFE — COIN how it is a crypto!

Cryptocurrency (electronic money) is a digital currency designed to act as a means of exchange. It uses encryption to secure and verify transactions as well as control the creation of new units of a particular cryptocurrency. Basically, cryptocurrency is the limiting item in a database that no one can change unless the specific conditions are met.

Next problem to me to main CAFE — COIN it as :

What is the purpose of it, and what problem? :

Cafe coin was born as a cash replacement purpose, it made everything convenient, fast

A revolutionary Blockchain payment application designed by Columbia University Ph.D. Scientists

The Case, Use Potential & Cafe Coin :

CafeCoin makes great savings and benefits of blockchain technology and provides them with retail and consumer banking with a centralized and intuitive mobile payment application that anyone can use. . CafeCoin makes technology and savings available only to the largest businesses, accessible to everyone!

Why is CafeCoin in Demand?

  • Credit card companies drive up costs, charging expensive fees to merchants for each transaction.
  • A busy retail store can throw away hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in those same transactions
  • Meanwhile, merchants struggle to attract customers with ever more particular retail preferences
  • The public trust in social media digital advertising is falling as the result of substantial real and perceived privacy abuses

The CafeCoin Solution

CafeCoin gives Consumers the Power to Drive savings through discounts and all retailers the power to both save and market their products with unparalleled precision

Think of the saying “If only I had a nickel for every payment I made” … Now you do!

Low cost :

CafeCoin virtually eliminates transaction costs to merchants and consumers

Real Savings :

Individually tailored discounts and loyalty rewards for consumers become a reality

Private :

Gives consumers control over their privacy

Universal :

Intuitive App requires no setup or contracts. Pay and receive payments anywhere at anytime.

How does it compete with other payment cards? , Cafe coin !

CafeCoin blockchain will also be able to store custom meta data about the transactions each user does. This meta data can be made available to merchants, but it can only be authorized by the consumer. The Foundation will also implement a unique, new proof-of-work algorithm for the validation of those transactions. This particular customer algorithm will have one-of-a-kind incentive structure compared to other cryptocurrencies.

CafeCoin token ecosystem will have two components. First is the CafeCoin itself, which is the token that will be used in transactions. CafeCoin tokens will also take into effect cost savings, as well as the tailored marketing functions of CafeCoin. The second component is Cafe, which is the digital representation of the cost of validating transactions and changing information on the CafeCoin blockchain.

Cafe will be what miners receive as a reward for confirming transactions. Gained Cafe is loaded into the user’s wallet, and it will be automatically used for payment in any other subsequent transactions. If users have yet to gather any Cafe, they are able to purchase some during transaction time, either by a single user, or evenly split between multiple people engaged in a transaction. So the three main ways of getting Cafe is to complete proof-of-work calculations by using an intuitive feature on the mobile application, buying Cafe as a percentage of CafeCoin at the time of transaction, and splitting costs between buyer and seller in a CafeCoin transaction before actually transacting.

The CafeCoin blockchain, like other cryptocurrency blockchains, is a ledger of transactions that have occurred in the CafeCoin network. To make sure transactions are settled in a timely manner, the block size the CafeCoin will leverage is flexible, but small. This means it has a limited informational scope for transactions and will therefore have an efficient set of operational commands.

a personal assessment me :




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