1 min readOct 14, 2015


An interesting interview with smuggler Measho Tesfamariam: http://gatti.blogautore.espresso.repubblica.it/2014/11/07/missing-boat-case-measho-tesfamariam-only-god-knows-what-happened/?refresh_ce In this interview, he claims the boat left from the beach at Al-Khums — on the other side of Tripoli from Zuwara. I wonder if he’s lying about the boat’s departure location or if he simply doesn’t remember. Also, here’s a list of some of the missing: http://gatti.blogautore.espresso.repubblica.it/2014/11/07/june-28-boat-case-243-eritrean-refugees-missing-at-sea-the-list-of-passengers/ notably, Segen and Abi are not on this list, but neither are 143 others. Perhaps Fabrizio Gatti, the author, would be willing to share with us whatever evidence or information he’s collected and act as an additional resource in Italy. Also, this smuggling operation wasn’t a one-man deal — at least nine others, in addition to Measho Tesfamariam, have been arrested: In Milan, Abdullatif Mohamed, 26, Mahmud Seid Mahamud Kar, 28, Monza Kibrom Khasay, 24, in Rome, Omar Ebrahim, Marsala Kibrom Khasay, 28 and in Catania, Filipos Abraha, 19, Ali Abdallah Mahammed, 24, Provide Omer Ibrahim, 19, and Efrem Goitom, 18. http://eastafro.com/2014/12/03/italian-and-german-police-arrest-measho-tesfamariam-and-10-eritrean-human-traffickers-2/ Interestingly, of the folks listed, one is named “Ebrahim” and another is named “Ibrahim” — Measho said only God and Ibrahim know what happened to the boat. I wonder if any of these folks have had anything to say or might be willing to talk.

