Toilet Tails: The Curious Case of Cats and Their Lavatory Lapping

Ron Anderson
3 min readJul 12, 2024


Cats are enigmatic creatures, captivating us with their mysterious ways and quirky habits. One such puzzling behavior is their apparent preference for drinking out of the toilet. Why would our sophisticated feline friends opt for toilet water over their pristine water bowls? Let’s explore the reasons behind this choice and how to redirect their attention to more suitable drinking sources.

The Startling Discovery

It was an ordinary Tuesday morning when I discovered my cat, Whiskers, perched on the toilet seat, delicately lapping at the water below. Shocked and slightly amused, I wondered why on earth he would choose such an unappealing place to hydrate. Determined to get to the bottom of this, I embarked on a quest to uncover the reasons behind this toilet fascination.

The Theories

1. Fresh and Cool Water

Toilet water is frequently refreshed with each flush, making it cooler and seemingly fresher than the stagnant water in a cat’s bowl. Cats are instinctively drawn to running water, which in the wild would be a cleaner and safer source of hydration.

2. Elevated Position

The toilet provides a high vantage point, allowing cats to feel more secure while they drink. In the wild, cats prefer to drink from elevated spots to keep an eye out for potential threats, and the toilet seat mimics this natural behavior.

3. Novelty and Curiosity

Cats are curious creatures, constantly exploring new sights, sounds, and tastes. With its constant flushing and gurgling, the toilet presents an intriguing and novel drinking spot compared to the mundane water bowl.

4. Cleanliness and Taste

Ironically, toilet water can sometimes be cleaner than the water left in a cat’s bowl for days. Cats have a keen sense of taste and smell, and they might find the taste of toilet water more appealing if their bowl water has accumulated dust or debris.

The Solutions

Understanding why cats are drawn to toilet water is the first step in redirecting their behavior. Here are some effective strategies to keep your cat hydrated and away from the toilet.

1. Freshen Up Their Water Bowl

Ensure your cat’s water bowl is always filled with fresh, cool water. Clean the bowl daily to prevent the buildup of bacteria and debris, making it a more appealing option than the toilet.

2. Invest in a Pet Fountain

Cats love running water, so consider investing in a pet fountain. The continuous water flow will entice your cat to drink more from their bowl and less from the toilet.

3. Keep the Toilet Lid Closed

A simple yet effective solution is to keep the toilet lid closed. This prevents your cat from accessing the toilet water and encourages them to drink from their designated water source.

4. Provide Elevated Drinking Spots

Place water bowls on elevated surfaces around your home. This mimics the natural drinking behavior of cats and provides them with secure and appealing drinking spots.

5. Experiment with Different Bowls

Cats can be particular about their drinking vessels. Experiment with bowls made from different materials, such as stainless steel, ceramic, or glass, to find the one your cat prefers.

The Happy Ending

I successfully redirected Whiskers’ attention from the toilet to his new pet fountain by making a few adjustments. Now, he happily laps at the flowing water, and my bathroom remains free of cat interruptions.

The Final Meow

While it may seem odd or even gross to us, drinking from the toilet makes sense from a cat’s perspective. By understanding their instincts and providing appealing alternatives, we can ensure our feline friends stay hydrated and healthy without resorting to unconventional drinking sources.

So, next time you catch your cat eyeing the toilet, remember: it’s all part of their quirky charm. You can turn their attention to more suitable — and sanitary — watering holes with a little effort.

