A Simple Guide to Being a Software Developer

What do software devs actually do, and what does it take to become one?

Dan Harris
8 min readFeb 26, 2019

Before landing a job as a graduate software developer, I really had no idea what exactly the job entailed. I studied maths (not math 😉) at university and decided to go down the developer route after taking a Java module. This led me to pursue other programming related side projects in my spare time, which eventually resulted in me having three offers for graduate jobs as a software developer.

As it turned out, none of what I’d taught myself was really that relevant, and I learnt almost everything I now know about writing software on the job.

I want to share the things I’ve learnt and I have two aims in writing this article:

  1. I want it to provide any would-be developers with the information they need to help them progress down their chosen software path.
  2. I want it to provide everyone else with an overview of what it’s like to be a software developer.

In order to satisfy both of these aims, some of the content will only be relevant for the would-be developers. If you see a subheading that looks like…

*Devs* A Subheading

