Tello drone programming (part2)

Danial Hamedi Taher Bonab
3 min readJun 9, 2022


Hi, Nice to see you again, if you didn't read the previous tutorial, you are not going to miss any essential points. I just explained some fundamentals.

an image of Tello drone
Photo by Jonathan Ocampo on Unsplash

let's install DjiTelloPy

pip3 install djitellopy

Then we can use DjiTelloPy

write your code like this:

  1. In the first line of your code, you need to import the library.
from djitellopy import Tello

2. Then define a Drone object using :

tello = Tello()

3. use the connect method to initiate Tello’s SDK mode and use the “takeoff” method for safe takeoff


it's all done! now Drone is ready to receive your commands.

Tello commands list :

control commands(returns ok or error) :

drone.takeoff() → Tello auto take-off → Tello auto land

drone.streamon() → Set video stream on

drone.streamoff() → Set video stream off

drone.emergency() → Stop all motors immediately

drone.move_up() → fly up with distance x cm (20<x<500)

drone.move_down() →fly down with distance x cm (20<x<500)

drone.move_left() →fly left with distance x cm (20<x<500)

drone.move_right() →fly right with distance x cm (20<x<500)

drone.move_forward() →fly forward with distance x cm (20<x<500)

drone.move_back() →fly back with distance x cm (20<x<500)

drone.rotate_clockwise() →rotate x degree clockwise (1<x<3600)

drone.rotate_counter_clockwise() →rotate x degree counterclockwise ( 1<x<3600)

drone.flip(x) →fly flip x (l=left)(r=right)(f=forward)(b=back)

drone.go_xyz_speed(x: int, y: int, z: int, speed: int) → fly to (x y z) in speed (cm/s) x: 20–500 y: 20–500 z: 20–500 speed: 10–100

drone.curve_xyz_speed() →

x1: -500–500
x2: -500–500
y1: -500–500
y2: -500–500
z1: -500–500
z2: -500–500
speed: 10–60

set commands(returns ok or error) :

drone.set_speed() → set speed to x cm/s.(10<x<100)

drone.send_rc_control( left_right_velocity, forward_backward_velocity,up_down_velocity,
yaw_velocity) (-100<velocity<100)

drone.set_wifi_credentials(ssid,password) Set the Wi-Fi SSID and password. The Tello will reboot afterwords

read commands :

drone.get_speed_x() → Returns X axis speed in integer

drone.get_speed_y() → Returns Y axis speed in integer

drone.get_speed_z() → Returns Z axis speed in integer

drone.get_battery() →Returns current battery percentage

drone.get_flight_time() → Returns flight time in s

drone.get_height() → Returns current height in cm

drone.get_temperature() →Returns average temperature in Celsius

drone.query_attitude → Returns Query IMU attitude data in {pitch, roll,yaw} format

drone.query_barometer →Returns barometer value in cm (0–100)

drone.get_acceleration_x() → Returns X Axis Acceleration in float

drone.get_acceleration_y() → Returns Y Axis Acceleration in float

drone.get_acceleration_z() → Returns Z Axis Acceleration in float

drone.get_distance_tof() → Returns current distance value from TOF in cm

drone.query_wifi_signal_noise_ratio() → Returns Wi-Fi SNR

Tello state:

if you read the previous tutorial, I told you about an optional part, creating a UDP server on your system and listening to the message from IP via UDP PORT 8890.

if you have done this, you will receive messages in string format like :

pitch:%d;roll:%d;yaw:%d;vgx:%d;vgy%d;vgz:%d;templ:%d;temph:%d;tof:%d;h:%d;bat:%d;baro: %.2f; time:%d;agx:%.2f;agy:%.2f;agz:%.2f;\r\n”

pitch → Attitude pitch in degree

roll → Attitude roll in degree

yaw → Attitude yaw in degree

vgx → Speed x in cm/s

vgy → Speed y in cm

vgz → Speed z

templ →Lowest temperature in celsius

temph → Highest temperature in celsius

tof → TOF distance in cm

h → Height in cm

bat → Current battery percentage(0<x<100)

baro → Barometer measurement in cm

time → Motors on time in sec

agx → Acceleration in X axis

agy → Acceleration in Y axis

agz → Acceleration in Z axis


be aware: If Tello does not receive any command input for 15 seconds, it will land automatically, you can use drone.send_keepalive() to prevent the drone from landing after 15s

How to reset tello wifi:

  1. Turn on Tello
  2. The indicator light should flash yellow
  3. Long press power key for 5 seconds
  4. the indicator light will turn off and then flash yellow
  5. Wi-Fi SSID and password will be reset to the factory settings
  6. there is no password by default

thanks for your time, I appreciate it, if you have any questions, fill free to ask me, I'm here for you, you can send me an email or find my socials on my Github profile, goodbye, peace ❤



Danial Hamedi Taher Bonab

I’m Danial Hamedi , 20 y.o, drone programmer, junior computer vision specialist at MRL U.A.V lab and currently collaborating with QUMS on rescue drone