8 Scientific Facts About Love That Will Make Your Heart Smile.

3 min readSep 15, 2022


image by Stocksnap from Pixabay

“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness — and call it love — true love.”
― Robert Fulghum.

Love is said to be one of the oldest feelings discovered. The word love is driven from the Sanskrit word lubhyati, which means “he desires”.

Ah, love! Who doesn't like love? It can make you feel wonderful. It can brighten up your dull life. Give you butterflies and keep you on your toes. Though like everything, it has its downside but it's worth the journey. If you find someone who truly loves you, it can change you into a different person and allow you to be your best.
Let me present you with some interesting facts about love to brighten up your day!

01: Synched Heart Rate
Researchers found that the couple, who were in love while looking into each other's eyes for 3 minutes, discovered their heart rates were almost exactly synchronized.

02: A Drug Called Love
Does love make you feel high? there is a reason for that. Researchers have disclosed that, when a person is in love, 12 areas of their brain work at the same time. Chemicals like dopamine, adrenaline, oxytocin, and vasopressin are released which create feelings of euphoria similar to other drugs.

03: Natural Painkillers
During an experiment, it has been discovered that looking even at a photograph of a loved one can reduce pain.

04: Chocolate and Love
Chocolate is one of the most common gifts given to a loved one. Eating a piece of chocolate can release dopamine the “feel-good” chemical, this makes the experience like falling in love again.

05: The Magic of Long-Distance
Although a long-distance relationship might not be ideal for many people, relationship experts say that this type of situation can make the relationship stronger.

06: Sweeter Taste
Researchers have conducted an experiment on a group of people and found that people who were thinking about love found certain foods sweeter than people who were thinking about something neutral.

07: Love is Blind
When we look at our loved ones, the neural circuits connected with social judgments are muted. So, I guess the saying love is blind truly is correct.

08: Mirror Love
We tend to fall in love with people who look like ourselves, narcissistic right? Studies have shown that aside from facial features, hair, or eye color, we tend to be more attracted to people with the same ear lobe length or similar lung volume.

Even though many experiments and research have been done, Love is still one of the biggest mysteries. Though it is considered a positive feeling, I think it's quite complex. It's a give-and-take situation, both involved have to be aware of the other's feelings and requirements. One big wrong turn can take you off the road and leave you heartbroken.





I am a writer with the mentality to spread and gain knowledge while achieving my goals.