Once upon a summer’s day (Family photoshoot)

A poem of yesteryear

Daniel J Botha
2 min readOct 22, 2018
Image of grandmother and her two boys circa 1930

Forgotten heirloom — yellowed black-and-white:

Woman with two boys upon the river.’

“That’s grandma with you dad and uncle — brave

she was to stand on water in that dinghy!”

Alarming the resemblance: (one of the

Brontë girls), ten years before the second war)

She wasn’t only valiant in the boat —

a lifetime facing frowns and verbal fists

From her man who stood, (in waistcoat), high up

on the shore — took the shot with steady hand,

enforcer of the Ten Commandments: hard

and brutal, easier than granting grace

The older boy, his brother too, had yet

to learn the art of painting on a smile

Kept asking as they blinked against the glare,

“Is Daddy done? Why Sunday clothes today?”

Their mother, eyes not for a moment dare

leave her belov’d benefactor — the price

too often paid, generation after

generation — abundant laws, scant mercy

confusing the instruction ‘bout, being

head of house, allow for callous bullying

caged nightingale — lifetime long forbidden

song — wings clipped — until, lowered in damp earth:

the photographer, raining on his coffin:

scattered tears, clods, a rose; escape in feathered

form, a dove, a virgin bud that blossoms

unabated — blessings to bestow on

boys, now men with families, much catching

up to do, to live, to love, to serve, the

latter she excelled in well, the woman

with two boys — heirloom — yellowed black-and-white

© Danie Botha. October 2018.

You can find more of my writing at daniebotha.com



Daniel J Botha

I help people discover how storytelling changes lives. #Writer #Storyteller #Artist #Physician Visit my website and get your FREE novella https://daniebotha.com