Do NOT Make This Navigation Mistake in Jetpack Compose

Daniel Atitienei
2 min readMay 13, 2024

Grab a coffee ☕, and let me show you what navigation mistake is often encountered in Jetpack Compose.


Take a look at Screen 1, which has the issue that I am talking about. The second screen is the fixed variant.

When does this happen?

This often happens when the user is on a screen and presses the navigate back button multiple times.

You may think “Who does that?” some people happen to do that, or their phone is laggy so we need to ensure that this won’t happen to them. Also, it is easy to fix this.


You can use navigateUp method to prevent this behaviour.


We need to create a variable and a small helper function.

  1. canGoBack — True when the app lifecycle is RESUMED . This is when the user can interact with the app again.
  2. navigateBack — Uses canGoBack and navController to navigate back.
val NavHostController.canGoBack: Boolean
get() = this.currentBackStackEntry?.lifecycle?.currentState
== Lifecycle.State.RESUMED

fun NavHostController.navigateBack() {
if (canGoBack) {

Now you can call navController.navigateBack() and the problem is solved!

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