The Principle of Recursive Distribution
“In our description of nature the purpose is not to disclose the real essence of the phenomena but only to track down, as far as possible, relations between the manifold aspects of our experience.”, Niels Bohr
I see that nowadays challenges as Quantum computing, Artificial General Intelligence, etc. are facing the same obstacle. This obstacle is very deep in our mindset and is represented by principles of truth and reality.
Philosophically, it could be said reality is the product of man identifying boundaries within what is otherwise a unified world, and through a process of reductionism classifying the product of these boundaries as separate things.
The phenomenons of truth and reality are inconvenient when it comes to Quantum nonlocality, Quantum entanglement, Temporal Entanglement or Quantum computing and Artificial General Intelligence. It’s necessary to change our methods of evaluation because we try to describe nonlocality and uncertainty with prepositional calculus created to describe local reality.
“You are not thinking, you are just being logical.”, Niels Bohr
When our understanding of world rely only on our own experiences and reality as a secure area where we are true or false, we often fight in this area and there are a lot of things that happen outside of this. Let’s help us to communicate with ourselves to have a much broader portfolio of possibilities.
My vision is that to make an agreement will be as easy as to shake hands.
Over the last decade, we’ve seen huge growth of well-documented experiences in the form of big data. Hand in hand with big data production blockchain as a trust arbitrary mechanism was created. Moreover, we can see a huge step forward quantum computing where traditional bits based on true(1) and false(0) are replaced by qubits state based on coherent superposition. These trends are set to accelerate, now that quantum computing competition is in the center of our interest.
Imagine if you were able to find agreement and clarify the next best steps within 5 minutes and not te get stuck in long negotiations. We’ll actually be able to deliver this as soon as we build and adopt new calculus to manage our expectations as experiences assigned to observers instead of being the right principle.
Once this is possible, our mindset will be free to include everybody’s experience so we will be competent to solve more complex challenges and we will be able to go beyond the boundaries of thinking using coherent intelligence.
We can eliminate a lack of philosophical perspective and lack of understanding of the technologies we are using. And that’s a vision I believe is worth fighting for.
Two professors of physics are sitting on the train.
P1: ”Dear colleague, I must tell You the truth. In fact, I don’t understand not Relativity Theory nor Quantum Mechanics…”
P2: “Oh my dear. Don’t worry about it. I’ll explain them to You.”
P1: “I can explain them too but I don’t understand them.”
I offer a solution based on building new propositional calculus which will be useful beyond classical problems which can be solved within a local reality where we can observe the truth.
As far as my thought experiment has led me it’s mainly the simple transformation by using new propositional calculus. Change of mindset is the main challenge as the prepositional calculus based on true and false statements is deeply implemented through all aspects of mankind.
My main contribution is in this statement
Every expectation can be experienced under an amount of energy.
In this article, I am going to build propositional calculus based on the term experience which represents the continuation of the term true as we use it now. To build it the right way I will also need the term expectation as a potential of experience. These are enablers to create expectation->experience model. The main difference between experience and truth is that experience depends on three attributes: expectation, observer and energy. I will use also term expression to describe both expectations and experiences.
Let’s try to make some basic definitions.
Definition 1. Let Expectation Ep be anything that is considered to be experienced.
Definition 2. Let Expression En be anything that describes Expectation Ep.
Definition 3. Let Observer Os be the producer of Expectation Ep.
Definition 4. Let Energy E be anything that Observer Os uses to transform Expectation Ep.
Definition 5. Let Experience Ee be a product of Os, Ep, E. Thus
Let’ compare this with true based propositional calculus where Expression En has truth value true or false or it has no truth value.
Moreover, let’s note that what we call reality are expectations which have enough observers to make a decision that it’s observable for every observer. Then experience is replaced by true.
Let’s make the main statement.
Statement 1.0 Every expectation can be experienced by an observer under an amount of energy
Proof/Consciousness. Instead of classical proof, we are not seeking for truth here. I want you to become conscious about this: Let’s consider some expectation created by anything(man, cat, stone, planet, etc.) in this world, the universe, multiverse, fantasy, etc. It’s created inside this world so it is possible to experience it by anything in this world. That’s all… Read carefully now, please. Moreover, same as when we can escape from natural numbers by subtraction eg. 1–2, there is a possibility to run out of this world. Then it will immediately augment itself with this expectation to make it experienceable. Now that’s all.
Let’s note that Expectation can act also as Experience. Here will be necessary to create unit operation
Note that this has no sense to have experience with no observer and no energy.
Note that also expectation without an observer and energy(observer needs anything to make expectation) has no sense.
Thus we can assume that expectation is just another type of experience as
Let’s rewrite the main statement according to this result.
Statement 1.1 Every experience Ee(i) creates expectation and that can be experienced by experience Ee(i+1) an observer under an amount of energy
And we have put the recursive process in here. Distribution is here thanks to a variety of observers.
Nice conclusion Nr. 1
Thus if Observer meets Energy then Expectation turns into Experience. That can happen or not as depictured on the next picture
Thanks to Principle of recursive distribution it will turn to something like this
The most progressive branch is that at the most right side. It’ just a branch where expectation always finds observer and energy and turns into another expectation through an observer’s experience under an amount of energy. If we use certain numbering of this recursive graph, it will look like this
We see Fibonacci sequence here at the very right branch. Let’s note again that Fibonacci sequence is at the progressive branch. We can work with it for example in discussions about natural selection as just a progressive branch of The Principle of Recursive Distribution.
Thank You Mr. Hofstaedter. Your Godel, Escher, Bach is just a miracle.
Nice conclusion Nr. 2
Whether the Expectation will be experienced or not depends on the observer and energy. Thus double-slit experiment is naturally explained with this approach as it simply depends on observer and kind of measurement.
Nice conclusion Nr. 3
As everything is possible in some form, there must be an immediate transmission medium not limited by time and space. Thus Quantum nonlocality, Quantum entanglement, Temporal Entanglement are features implicated by Principle of recursive distribution.
Nice conclusion Nr. 4
The many-worlds interpretation is just enumeration of all possible expectations without proper observers and energy.
Nice conclusion Nr. 5
Our future determines our past through now. I will write more about it in the future. For now, just note that our future goals we want to reach form our current decisions and actions.
I am not right. I am experienced.
Thank you for reading:) I’ll be happy with every helpful observation.