How to remove Hard-Coded Credentials from code in GoLang

Daniel Carlier
3 min readJan 19, 2019


There’s a password on my code! 😱

You might be wondering why you should remove hard-coded credentials from your code since only you or your team will have access to it. I’m sorry to break it to you but, actually, hard-coded credentials could be categorised as the second most common security vulnerability according to OWASP’s Top 10 Application Security Risks, fitting under the A2:2017-Broken Authentication topic. Don’t make it easier for the bad guys!

Let’s get started!

To begin with, your code might be looking something like this, with credentials or sensitive information showing in plain text, just like in the image below:

Example code with clear text credentials.

When running the code we have the following result:

Code succeeds!

Worry not, friend, with godotenv library we’ll be able to remove all credentials from the code in no time!

The idea here is to create a .env file to keep all the sensitive information your code might need. With this file, your code will only have placeholders instead of clear text credentials. It’s common practice to keep this .env file in your app’s root directory or in the same directory as your main.go file.

In this case, I’ll name my .env file as credentials.env and it’s content is as follows:

Example of .env file

To write a .env file, you must place the name of your environment variable on the left, not necessarily in all caps, and their value on the right, only separated by a = sign. In this kind of file, to write comments, simply add a# and your desired text, as shown above. Empty lines are ignored.

Now that our .env file is properly set up, it’s time to change our code!

We’ll need to add a new function, getEnvVars() ,to get our environment variables from credentials.env , which basically loads our variables into our code through the godotenv.Load("NameOfTheFile.env") method.

After that, in the main function, all we need to do is map our environment variables into normal variables through os.Getenv("YourVariableHere") , as we can see from the image below:

Code without clear text credentials.

Ok, our code looks good, but does it work?

Code runs perfectly!

As we can see from the image above, our code runs perfectly, and much more secure with no plain text credentials! 🔒

To make it even more secure, be sure to add .env files to your .gitignore file, so if you decide to add your code to GitHub your credentials won’t be added by accident. My .gitignore file for this project is as follows:

Example of .gitignore file

If you would like to clone this example program, you can find it here on my GitHub.

Thanks to Douglas Adams for the excellent tips on the galaxy!

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated!

