Diving into etcd/raft

Daniel Chia
3 min readNov 5, 2017


As part of implementing Raft for DDB, I’ve been reading the Raft implementation in etcd.

Why did I choose etcd? etcd is written in Go, and it was interesting to see how they structured their code, especially w.r.t to concurrency. etcd also forms the backing store for Kubernetes, and its Raft implementation is used in CockroachDB, so they must be doing something right! The authors claim it is the most widely used Raft library in production.

At work we often give Life of a Request style presentations, and I find them incredibly helpful to understand both and micro and macro levels how a system works. That’s what I’ll try to do here.

If you’re not familiar with Raft, reviewing the paper may potentially be helpful.


The raft implementation lives in etcd/raft, with majority of the heavy lifting happening in a few files:

  • raft.go As you might guess from the name, this is heart of the implementation. raft.raft exposes a finite state machine, and is not thread-safe.
  • node.go raft.Node wraps raft.raft takes care of synchronization and some of the plumbing.
  • raftpb/raft.proto Proto definitions.

Application <=> Node Loop

As stated in the README, one should service raft.Node like so, most likely in a goroutine.

Servicing raft.Node, some simplifications applied.

Let’s dive into what this loop is doing:

Ticking(case <-s.Ticker)

This supplies ticks, basically a notion of time, to the node. Certain actions like heartbeats and election timeouts are triggered by the passing of time.

Externalizing raft.Node Events(case rd := <-s.Node.Ready())

raft.Node is not responsible for saving various persistent state to stable storage (e.g. disk), sending messages (RPCs) to other raft nodes, and applying any newly committed log entries. That’s what this particular case handles. I like to think of this step as externalizing changes from raft.Node.

The channel returned by Node.Ready() receives a raft.Ready, when raft.Node needs any of the above performed. The raft.Ready struct contains a copy of state that needs to be externalized.

Once all the necessary actions have been performed, invoking Node.Advance() lets the node know the application is ready for another batch of changes.

I thought it was pretty interesting to see etcd exploiting concurrency here — while the application <=> node loop is potentially blocked / busy writing state to stable storage and sending RPCs, raft.Node concurrently continues to process any new proposals and raft messages.


As mentioned earlier, raft.raft which implements the core Raft logic isn’t threadsafe, and raft.Node is sort of the glue between the public threadsafe API and raft.raft. Not surprisingly, this is orchestrated using a handful of channels serviced by an event loop of sorts, plumbing values to and from channels.

Most of the interesting behavior is covered above. What really stood out on first reading was the Ready() and Advance() dance. I wonder why not push the loop logic into the internals of raft.Node rather than force applications to have to do with it.


raft.Progress keeps track of the state of replication per follower.

It’s purpose is fully documented in design.md. Summarized:

  • Progress limits the maximum number of messages in flight to reduce wasted work and bandwidth. The actual limit depends on the state of Progress.
  • Progress initially starts out in a conservation ‘probe’ state, where it sends one RPC at a time to the follower. In this state, the leader isn’t sure how far the follower is caught up.
  • Once the leader is certain of the follower’s log state, it moves to a replicate state for Progress, where new log entries append RPCs are sent in a pipelined fashion. Appends are sent optimistically even when a previous RPC is still outstanding. When everything is operating normally, this reduces latency as we do not have to wait for previous append RPCs to finish.

Life of a Write

This assumes the request was made to the current raft leader.

  1. A write starts with node.Propose.
  2. This eventually causes raft.StepLeader to be invoked.
  3. The leader queues the proposal for storage to its own log.
  4. The leader updates all Progress, indicating that a new entry has been appended.
  5. For each follower, based on the state of Progress for the follower, the leader queues appropriate append entry RPCs.
  6. When the leader realizes that enough followers have accepted the log, it commits the log entry and applies the log entry.



Daniel Chia

Software Engineer at Google. Opinions stated are my own, not of my company.