U.S. Expansion, Fundraising, and Exit: A Comprehensive FAQ

Daniel Glazer
4 min readJun 13, 2020


[LAST UPDATED: September 5, 2024]

For many high-growth UK/European and Israeli tech and life sciences companies, U.S. expansion, fundraising, and exit are key steps in the journey. The U.S. offers the promise of massive commercial opportunities and plentiful capital, but doing business, raising money, and maximizing enterprise value in an unfamiliar, highly competitive environment requires thoughtful advance planning and clinical execution.

Based on our discussions with UK/European and Israeli startups and scaleups over the past decade, below are over three dozen frequently asked U.S. expansion, fundraising and exit questions (with linked answers).

We intend to make this a living resource for the UK/European and Israeli tech and life sciences communities and will update it as appropriate. If there are key questions you would like to see addressed here, feel free to send me suggestions at daniel.glazer@wsgr.com.

U.S. Expansion

U.S. Fundraising

U.S. Exit

Daniel Glazer is the founding and managing partner of Wilson Sonsini’s London office and U.S. Expansion Group. He can be reached at daniel.glazer@wsgr.com and through Linkedin. The linked resources above do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on for business or legal decisions.



Daniel Glazer

American technology lawyer, strategic business advisor, and founding partner of Wilson Sonsini’s London office