Daniel Jordan
6 min readSep 13, 2018


Why the Hospitality Industry Should Embrace the IoT

The IoT is helping the hospitality industry in many ways. For example, smart sensors are used in every area of the hotel, including motion sensors that also track motion-direction and velocity, air pressure sensors, ambient light sensors and temperature and humidity sensors.

The IoT is helping the hospitality industry in many ways. For example, smart sensors are used in every area of the hotel, including motion sensors that also track motion-direction and velocity, air pressure sensors, ambient light sensors and temperature and humidity sensors.

Data collected from the sensors are sent to a cloud for data analytics and could trigger scripted actions to activate and deactivate or control settings of all relevant devices. For guests, this will provide a more relaxing and comfortable environment that has been designed according to their preferences.

The installation of wireless smart control systems will allow for control of a multitude of in-room devices such as the TV, climate control, lights, curtains, water temperature, alarm clock, music, internet access etc. Everything can be operated via a simple hotel app on a guests’ mobile phone or via voice commands like, for instance, Alexa.

The installation of wireless smart control systems will allow for control of a multitude of in-room devices such as the TV, climate control, lights, curtains, water temperature, alarm clock, music, internet access etc. Everything can be operated via a simple hotel app on a guests’ mobile phone or via voice commands like, for instance, Alexa.


The IoT is helping the hospitality industry in many ways. For example, smart sensors are used in every area of the hotel, including motion sensors that also track motion-direction and velocity, air pressure sensors, ambient light sensors and temperature and humidity sensors.

Data collected from the sensors are sent to a cloud for data analytics and could trigger scripted actions to activate and deactivate or control settings of all relevant devices. For guests, this will provide a more relaxing and comfortable environment that has been designed according to their preferences.

The installation of wireless smart control systems will allow for control of a multitude of in-room devices such as the TV, climate control, lights, curtains, water temperature, alarm clock, music, internet access etc. Everything can be operated via a simple hotel app on a guests’ mobile phone or via voice commands like, for instance, Alexa.

The installation of wireless smart control systems will allow for control of a multitude of in-room devices such as the TV, climate control, lights, curtains, water temperature, alarm clock, music, internet access etc. Everything can be operated via a simple hotel app on a guests’ mobile phone or via voice commands like, for instance, Alexa.


Mobile Check-ins and instant digital keys to your room

A room that is not chosen randomly but dynamically, based, for instance, on the distance from the elevator, your preferred view or floor as per your preferences collected in your guest profile

Digital voice commanded room assistance

Scripted actions held in the cloud, for instance, “Close curtains in occupied room at 6pm every night”

Predictive maintenance on (light bulbs, room equipment to provide regular updates on performance)

Presence-based energy management (air conditioning, lights, heating)

Presence-based dynamic scheduling for housekeeping

Remote management of all controls (light, curtains, HVAC)

Guest engagement via the Sheraton, Hilton or Hyatt app

Indoor positioning via the app, wayfinding, promotions, guest information on nearby facilities


Increased sense of well-being and comfort:

No more waiting upon check-in or check out

Wayfinding — never go to the wrong floor to find your meeting room or breakfast restaurant

Promotional offers, personalized and tailored to your profile and to your habits (the wine you always order, your favorite table in the restaurant etc.)

Customised room-settings (you always sleep with 22 degrees Celsius or you always keep the light in the bathroom on)

Your TV switches automatically to the channels you usually watch or enable you to watch movies on your own Netflix account

Your room service remembers your usual breakfast order

Nobody disturbs you when you are inside your room

Your shower has your ideal water temperature — no more confusing faucets


Considerable savings on HR (front desk, housekeeping, maintenance, supply chain)

Increased revenue from one-to-one customer engagement

No work disruptions — processes by unpredicted ad-hoc maintenance activities, predictive maintenance is cheaper, non-disruptive and easier to plan for

Considerable cost savings (HR, maintenance, 20%-40% decrease in energy usage thanks to presence-based activation and controls)

Richer data collected about customers (habits, likes, dislikes, preferences, wishes and needs, spending patterns)

A deeper understanding of the guests’ personal profile will lead to offering the guest what he/she wants when he/she wants it. This leads to a higher satisfaction rating and increased customer loyalty.


Daniel Jordan


Fellow Consulting AG

Anzinger Straße 21

85586 Poing

Mobil: +49 (0) 1512 7507601

Tel: +49 (0) 8121 792222–1

Fax: +49 (0) 8121 7922229

Email: daniel.jordan@fellow-consulting.de

Web: www.fellow-consulting.com

Vorstand: Manuel Kanka, Daniel Jordan

Sitz und Amtsgericht: Erding HRB 178418

Explore our solutions -> http://www.fellow-consulting.com


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Mobile Check-ins and instant digital keys to your room

A room that is not chosen randomly but dynamically, based, for instance, on the distance from the elevator, your preferred view or floor as per your preferences collected in your guest profile

Digital voice commanded room assistance

Scripted actions held in the cloud, for instance, “Close curtains in occupied room at 6pm every night”

Predictive maintenance on (light bulbs, room equipment to provide regular updates on performance)

Presence-based energy management (air conditioning, lights, heating)

Presence-based dynamic scheduling for housekeeping

Remote management of all controls (light, curtains, HVAC)

Guest engagement via the Sheraton, Hilton or Hyatt app

Indoor positioning via the app, wayfinding, promotions, guest information on nearby facilities


Increased sense of well-being and comfort:

No more waiting upon check-in or check out

Wayfinding — never go to the wrong floor to find your meeting room or breakfast restaurant

Promotional offers, personalized and tailored to your profile and to your habits (the wine you always order, your favorite table in the restaurant etc.)

Customised room-settings (you always sleep with 22 degrees Celsius or you always keep the light in the bathroom on)

Your TV switches automatically to the channels you usually watch or enable you to watch movies on your own Netflix account

Your room service remembers your usual breakfast order

Nobody disturbs you when you are inside your room

Your shower has your ideal water temperature — no more confusing faucets


Considerable savings on HR (front desk, housekeeping, maintenance, supply chain)

Increased revenue from one-to-one customer engagement

No work disruptions — processes by unpredicted ad-hoc maintenance activities, predictive maintenance is cheaper, non-disruptive and easier to plan for

Considerable cost savings (HR, maintenance, 20%-40% decrease in energy usage thanks to presence-based activation and controls)

Richer data collected about customers (habits, likes, dislikes, preferences, wishes and needs, spending patterns)

A deeper understanding of the guests’ personal profile will lead to offering the guest what he/she wants when he/she wants it. This leads to a higher satisfaction rating and increased customer loyalty.

