Clear and concise documentation

Daniel Krentzlin
19 min readDec 18, 2023

Created with support of ChatGPT.

As second part of the insightful series “Navigating the Pillars of Success in Software Projects: The Indispensable Role of Requirements Engineering”, this article offers insight into creating clear and concise documentation in requirements engineering. It focuses on the central role of user stories and acceptance criteria. It shows how these elements effectively translate complex technical requirements into actionable and understandable tasks, bridging the gap between the various project stakeholders.

Clarity in Documentation

Clarity in requirements documentation means writing in a way that is unambiguous and straightforward, ensuring that everyone involved in the project has the same understanding.

Example of Unclear Requirement: “The system should have a fast response time.”
Problem: The term “fast” is subjective and can mean different things to different people.
Clear Version: “The system should respond to user queries within 2 seconds.

In the clear version, specifying “within 2 seconds” removes ambiguity, providing a specific target that developers, testers, and stakeholders can all understand and agree upon.

Conciseness in Documentation



Daniel Krentzlin

Daniel is an ardent Flutter dev and founder of the Strasbourg Flutter Meetup Group and is also interested in requirements engineering and product management.